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Khongjom Lan Junior Blitz Chess Tournament 2018

Posledná aktualizácia 26.03.2019 17:27:40, Creator: All India Chess Federation,Last Upload: Debanga Kaushik Bhattacharyya

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Štartová listina

1Guru Aribam Arosemit SharmaIND1506
2Naorem Cha YoihenbaIND1445
3Alex KhundongbamIND1316
4Yumkhaibam Yaisana DeviIND1291
5Phijam Ranjit SinghIND1178
6Lanheiba LoitongbamIND1157
7Nungshithoi NgairangbamIND1153
8Chungkham SupriyaIND0
9Dayanand ThoudamIND0
10Irungbam Nobel MeiteiIND0
11Jalesh ThoudamIND0
12Kshtrimayum AimsonIND0
13Lanchenbee NgairangbamIND0
14M. DevduttaIND0