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21st Dubai Open 2019

Last update 09.04.2019 21:21:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

Player overview for UKR

3GMKuzubov Yuriy2653UKR111½11½½½74108,50
61FMNaboka Sergey2327UKR101011½0½55320-4,40

Results of the last round for UKR

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMKuzubov YuriyUKR2653 ½ - ½ GMIturrizaga Bonelli EduardoVEN2633
San Diego Jerlyn MaePHI1836 ½ - ½ FMNaboka SergeyUKR2327

Player details for UKR

GM Kuzubov Yuriy 2653 UKR Rp:2715 Pts. 7
185WIMZarkovic Mila2187SRB3,5w 1101,10
247FMManush Shah2405IND4,5s 1101,90
331GMSindarov Javokhir2495UZB6w 1102,90
422IMYeoh Li Tian2522MAS5,5s ½10-1,80
517GMSantos Ruiz Miguel2555ESP5,5w 1103,70
656IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari2370IND6s 1101,60
72GMMatlakov Maxim2692RUS7w ½100,50
814GMIndjic Aleksandar2592SRB7s ½10-0,80
95GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2633VEN7w ½10-0,30
FM Naboka Sergey 2327 UKR Rp:2244 Pts. 5
1143Devnani Kush1650IND3,5s 1202,20
224GMKuybokarov Temur2519AUS4w 020-5,00
3118Anilkumar O.T.1975IND4s 1202,20
428IMIniyan P2512IND7w 020-5,20
5116Parthasarathy R1989IND4s 1202,40
689Chekh Adm Khedr Aram2146SYR5,5w 1205,20
717GMSantos Ruiz Miguel2555ESP5,5s ½205,80
88GMSethuraman S.P.2624IND5,5w 020-3,00
9132San Diego Jerlyn Mae1836PHI5s ½20-7,80