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21st Dubai Open 2019

Last update 09.04.2019 21:21:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

Player overview for SRB

14GMIndjic Aleksandar2592SRB1111½1½½½771013,50
82WIMBlagojevic Tijana2216SRB0½½11010½4,57920-12,20
85WIMZarkovic Mila2187SRB0½10½0½103,511220-50,20

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMMatlakov MaximRUS2692 ½ - ½ GMIndjic AleksandarSRB2592
CMAditya MittalIND24574 ½ - ½4 WIMBlagojevic TijanaSRB2216
Sri Sai Baswanth PIND20184 1 - 0 WIMZarkovic MilaSRB2187

Player details for SRB

GM Indjic Aleksandar 2592 SRB Rp:2692 Pts. 7
196Shiva Pavan Teja Sharma U2093IND4s 1101,10
262FMNitish Belurkar2327IND4w 1101,80
337CMAditya Mittal2457IND4,5s 1103,20
424GMKuybokarov Temur2519AUS4w 1104,00
556IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari2370IND6s ½10-2,80
622IMYeoh Li Tian2522MAS5,5w 1104,00
710GMTabatabaei M.Amin2612IRI6s ½100,30
83GMKuzubov Yuriy2653UKR7w ½100,80
92GMMatlakov Maxim2692RUS7s ½101,40
WIM Blagojevic Tijana 2216 SRB Rp:2162 Pts. 4,5
11GMLe Quang Liem2711VIE7w 020-2,20
2125WFMSanskriti Goyal1929IND3,5s ½20-6,80
3123WIMMordido Kylen Joy1935PHI3,5w ½20-6,80
4122Al Mheiri Jumaa Ahmmed1946UAE3s 1203,40
5135AIMKomal Srivatsav Sajja1778IND4,5w 1202,20
657IMRathnakaran K.2351IND4,5s 020-6,40
7126Rakshith Srinivasan1923IND4w 1203,00
840IMShyaamnikhil P2429IND6w 020-4,60
937CMAditya Mittal2457IND4,5s ½206,00
WIM Zarkovic Mila 2187 SRB Rp:1959 Pts. 3,5
13GMKuzubov Yuriy2653UKR7s 020-2,20
2130WFMPotluri Supreetha1855IND3,5w ½20-7,60
3147Madduri Satya Tejeswar1632IND3,5s 1202,20
440IMShyaamnikhil P2429IND6w 020-4,00
5114Krithigga K1994IND3,5s ½20-5,00
6116Parthasarathy R1989IND4w 020-15,20
7125WFMSanskriti Goyal1929IND3,5s ½20-6,40
8131Jinan Jomon1848IND3,5w 1202,40
9110Sri Sai Baswanth P2018IND5s 020-14,40