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21st Dubai Open 2019

Last update 09.04.2019 21:21:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Abdulrahim Mahdi

Player overview for ARG

4GMMareco Sandro2651ARG½1110101½61810-9,80
16GMPichot Alan2566ARG1110½½11062210-1,10

Results of the last round for ARG

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMPichot AlanARG25666 0 - 16 GMLe Quang LiemVIE2711
IMVisakh N RIND2509 ½ - ½ GMMareco SandroARG2651

Player details for ARG

GM Mareco Sandro 2651 ARG Rp:2460 Pts. 6
186FMMohannad Farhan2183JOR4s ½10-3,90
2150Singh Gurmeher1589IND3w 1101,10
344IMHaug Johannes2424NOR6s 1102,10
430GMHarsha Bharathakoti2497IND5,5w 1102,90
520GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.2534IND6,5s 010-6,60
626GMVishnu Prasanna. V2515IND3,5w 1103,20
728IMIniyan P2512IND7s 010-6,90
878Raahul V S2252IND6w 1101,10
929IMVisakh N R2509IND6s ½10-1,90
GM Pichot Alan 2566 ARG Rp:2535 Pts. 6
198Kejzar Petra2082SLO3,5s 1101,10
264WIMPriyanka Nutakki2313IND4w 1101,90
338GMDarini Pouria2455IRI6s 1103,50
456IMRaghunandan Kaumandur Srihari2370IND6w 010-7,50
534IMSadhwani Raunak2475IND5,5s ½10-1,20
637CMAditya Mittal2457IND4,5w ½10-1,50
758IMSidhant Mohapatra2348IND4s 1102,20
833IMNguyen Anh Khoi2481VIE6w 1103,80
91GMLe Quang Liem2711VIE7w 010-3,10