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2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A')

Last update 25.06.2019 11:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

Player overview for VEN

1GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2637VEN1½1½½111½071210-4,40Cat A - Grand Master OPEN

Results of the last round for VEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo26377 0 - 17 GMIdani Pouya2597

Player details for VEN

GM Iturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo 2637 VEN Rp:2577 Pts. 7
1124FMRamakrishna J.2171IND4s 10,920,08100,80
272FMAnuj Shrivatri2336IND7w ½0,85-0,3510-3,50
368Samant Aditya S2342IND5,5s 10,850,15101,50
439IMShyaamnikhil P2434IND6,5w ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
569FMMitrabha Guha2341IND6s ½0,85-0,3510-3,50
652IMNitin S.2398IND5,5w 10,800,20102,00
723GMVenkatesh M.R.2490IND6,5s 10,700,30103,00
83GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2611ARM8s 10,540,46104,60
913GMPaichadze Luka2557GEO7,5w ½0,61-0,1110-1,10
106GMIdani Pouya2597IRI8w 00,56-0,5610-5,60