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2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A')

Last update 25.06.2019 11:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

Player overview for RUS

10GMTurov Maxim2579RUS1½½½101½1171610-11,60Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
18GMBurmakin Vladimir2526RUS1½1½½1½½117,5410-0,70Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
33GMLugovskoy Maxim2451RUS0111½10½1172010-6,10Cat A - Grand Master OPEN

Results of the last round for RUS

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMShyaamnikhil P2434 0 - 1 GMBurmakin Vladimir2526
GMThipsay Praveen M24056 0 - 16 GMTurov Maxim2579
WIMMichelle Catherina P21826 0 - 16 GMLugovskoy Maxim2451

Player details for RUS

GM Turov Maxim 2579 RUS Rp:2461 Pts. 7
1133Manigandan S S2131IND4,5w 10,920,08100,80
283IMKathmale Sameer2307IND6,5s ½0,83-0,3310-3,30
379Neelash Saha2315IND6,5w ½0,82-0,3210-3,20
491FMGajwa Ankit2273IND5,5s ½0,86-0,3610-3,60
581FMMithil Ajgaonkar2311IND6w 10,830,17101,70
648IMGusain Himal2404IND6,5s 00,73-0,7310-7,30
790IMSaravana Krishnan P.2290IND5,5w 10,840,16101,60
869FMMitrabha Guha2341IND6w ½0,80-0,3010-3,00
968Samant Aditya S2342IND5,5s 10,800,20102,00
1045GMThipsay Praveen M2405IND6s 10,730,27102,70
GM Burmakin Vladimir 2526 RUS Rp:2506 Pts. 7,5
1141Santu Mondal2106IND4w 10,920,08100,80
291FMGajwa Ankit2273IND5,5s ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
381FMMithil Ajgaonkar2311IND6w 10,770,23102,30
453IMRahul Srivatshav P2395IND5,5s ½0,68-0,1810-1,80
567CMRohith Krishna S2347IND6w ½0,73-0,2310-2,30
659IMRoy Prantik2365IND6s 10,710,29102,90
779Neelash Saha2315IND6,5w ½0,77-0,2710-2,70
8119WIMMichelle Catherina P2182IND6s ½0,88-0,3810-3,80
948IMGusain Himal2404IND6,5w 10,670,33103,30
1039IMShyaamnikhil P2434IND6,5s 10,630,37103,70
GM Lugovskoy Maxim 2451 RUS Rp:2375 Pts. 7
1156Kumar Gaurav2082IND4,5s 00,90-0,9010-9,00
2178WIMGagare Shalmali2046IND5w 10,920,08100,80
3146Saptorshi Gupta2097IND4,5s 10,890,11101,10
4106WIMVantika Agrawal2223IND4,5w 10,790,21102,10
5113FMAaryan Varshney2196IND6,5s ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
6112Lokesh N.2200IND5w 10,810,19101,90
75GMGupta Abhijeet2606IND6,5w 00,29-0,2910-2,90
880FMRathanvel V S2314IND6,5s ½0,68-0,1810-1,80
981FMMithil Ajgaonkar2311IND6w 10,690,31103,10
10119WIMMichelle Catherina P2182IND6s 10,830,17101,70