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2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A')

Last update 25.06.2019 11:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

Player overview for BLR

7GMAleksandrov Aleksej2588BLR0111½11½½06,53310-12,40Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
8GMStupak Kirill2584BLR1½½11½1½½06,52710-10,70Cat A - Grand Master OPEN

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAleksandrov Aleksej2588 0 - 1 GMRahman Ziaur2481
IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2436 1 - 0 GMStupak Kirill2584

Player details for BLR

GM Aleksandrov Aleksej 2588 BLR Rp:2419 Pts. 6,5
1130Ram S. Krishnan2152IND4,5s 00,92-0,9210-9,20
2234Devesh Anand Naik1841IND4w 10,920,08100,80
3135Niraj Saripalli2127IND5,5s 10,920,08100,80
488Raahul V S2292IND5,5w 10,850,15101,50
552IMNitin S.2398IND5,5s ½0,75-0,2510-2,50
654CMBharath Subramaniyam H2383IND7w 10,760,24102,40
729GMNeverov Valeriy2470UKR6s 10,660,34103,40
828GMKostenko Petr2473KAZ6,5w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
927GMVasquez Schroeder Rodrigo2476CHI7,5s ½0,65-0,1510-1,50
1025GMRahman Ziaur2481BAN7,5w 00,65-0,6510-6,50
GM Stupak Kirill 2584 BLR Rp:2467 Pts. 6,5
1131WCMIsha Sharma2151IND6,5w 10,920,08100,80
279Neelash Saha2315IND6,5s ½0,83-0,3310-3,30
377IMAbhishek Kelkar2323IND6w ½0,82-0,3210-3,20
4157Karthik Rajaa2080IND5s 10,920,08100,80
549Koustav Chatterjee2404IND5,5w 10,740,26102,60
632IMNguyen Van Huy2456VIE6s ½0,67-0,1710-1,70
735IMKhusenkhojaev Muhammad2446TJK6w 10,690,31103,10
817GMTukhaev Adam2527UKR7,5s ½0,58-0,0810-0,80
939IMShyaamnikhil P2434IND6,5w ½0,70-0,2010-2,00
1038IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2436IND7,5s 00,70-0,7010-7,00