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2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A')

Last update 25.06.2019 11:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

Player overview for BAN

25GMRahman Ziaur2481BAN110111½1017,581011,90Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
140Md. Shawket Bin Osman Shaon2109BAN001½10½00½3,520120-51,00Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
164Zia Tahsin Tajwar2068BAN00111½0½1051204047,20Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
169Md.Abzid Rahman2053BAN0½00½0½0012,523620-91,40Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
171CMGhosh Chanchal Kumer2051BAN½01000½1½14,515720-6,80Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
188Alam Md. Monjur2000BAN0010½½0½0½322120-47,20Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
214Anisuzzaman Jewel1936BAN000100½½1½3,521420-18,20Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
227Mezanur Rahman1886BAN1100001½½151312048,00Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
242Jodunath Biswas1732BAN0000000½011,524220-51,00Cat A - Grand Master OPEN

Results of the last round for BAN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAleksandrov Aleksej2588 0 - 1 GMRahman Ziaur2481
FMMithil Ajgaonkar23115 1 - 05 Zia Tahsin Tajwar2068
Mezanur Rahman18864 + - -4 Manish Anto Cristiano F2099
CMGhosh Chanchal Kumer2051 1 - 0 Shah Jeet1839
Anisuzzaman Jewel19363 ½ - ½3 Md. Shawket Bin Osman Shaon2109
Qureshi M A1941 ½ - ½ Alam Md. Monjur2000
Md.Abzid Rahman2053 1 - 02 Pokhrel Anup1674
Jodunath Biswas1732½ 1 bye  

Player details for BAN

GM Rahman Ziaur 2481 BAN Rp:2563 Pts. 7,5
1148Goswami Vedant2093IND3,5s 10,910,09100,90
2100Shelke Sankarsha2239IND4,5w 10,800,20102,00
369FMMitrabha Guha2341IND6s 00,69-0,6910-6,90
4102IMDeshmukh Anup2229IND5w 10,810,19101,90
578FMDang Hoang Son2320VIE4s 10,710,29102,90
680FMRathanvel V S2314IND6,5w 10,720,28102,80
762Sankalp Gupta2359IND5,5w ½0,67-0,1710-1,70
85GMGupta Abhijeet2606IND6,5s 10,330,67106,70
93GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2611ARM8w 00,32-0,3210-3,20
107GMAleksandrov Aleksej2588BLR6,5s 10,350,65106,50
Md. Shawket Bin Osman Shaon 2109 BAN Rp:1929 Pts. 3,5
117GMTukhaev Adam2527UKR7,5w 00,08-0,0820-1,60
2213Samal Ansuman1939IND5s 00,72-0,7220-14,40
3222Marcos Herrero Francisco1895ESP3w 10,770,23204,60
4211Mulay Pratik1945IND5s ½0,72-0,2220-4,40
5212Qureshi M A1941IND3w 10,720,28205,60
681FMMithil Ajgaonkar2311IND6s 00,24-0,2420-4,80
7217Thaga Sheriff M1925IND4,5w ½0,74-0,2420-4,80
8197Gaikwad Siddhant1973IND6s 00,68-0,6820-13,60
9189Sibi Visal R2000IND5w 00,65-0,6520-13,00
10214Anisuzzaman Jewel1936BAN3,5s ½0,73-0,2320-4,60
Zia Tahsin Tajwar 2068 BAN Rp:2165 Pts. 5
141IMSardana Rishi2428AUS6,5w 00,10-0,1040-4,00
2239Kanishk S K1808IND2,5s 00,82-0,8240-32,80
3225Subedi Rajan1891NEP4w 10,730,274010,80
4233Shintre Neel1843IND3,5s 10,780,22408,80
597WIMMahalakshmi M2245IND5,5w 10,270,734029,20
678FMDang Hoang Son2320VIE4w ½0,190,314012,40
772FMAnuj Shrivatri2336IND7s 00,17-0,1740-6,80
8105IMPraveen Kumar C2223IND5s ½0,290,21408,40
999FMDeshpande Aniruddha2242IND5w 10,270,734029,20
1081FMMithil Ajgaonkar2311IND6s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
Md.Abzid Rahman 2053 BAN Rp:1691 Pts. 2,5
146CMMendonca Leon Luke2405IND6,5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
2244Paudel Yubraj1648NEP2w ½0,92-0,4220-8,40
3238Saypuri Srithan1816IND3s 00,80-0,8020-16,00
4206Adarsh Tripathi1954IND3,5w 00,64-0,6420-12,80
5237Srimathi R1836IND2,5s ½0,78-0,2820-5,60
6210Vignesh N1946IND4w 00,65-0,6520-13,00
7225Subedi Rajan1891NEP4s ½0,71-0,2120-4,20
8241Sakhawaty Sepehr1774AFG3w 00,84-0,8420-16,80
9222Marcos Herrero Francisco1895ESP3s 00,71-0,7120-14,20
10243Pokhrel Anup1674NEP2w 10,910,09201,80
CM Ghosh Chanchal Kumer 2051 BAN Rp:2058 Pts. 4,5
148IMGusain Himal2404IND6,5s ½0,110,39207,80
242IMMuthaiah Al2420IND5,5w 00,10-0,1020-2,00
3244Paudel Yubraj1648NEP2s 10,920,08201,60
472FMAnuj Shrivatri2336IND7w 00,16-0,1620-3,20
54GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2609GEO7s 00,08-0,0820-1,60
6198Gokhale Rishabh Chandrashekhar1967IND4,5w 00,62-0,6220-12,40
7218WFMMeghna C H1922IND4s ½0,67-0,1720-3,40
8230Amarasinghe A A C B1867SRI3w 10,740,26205,20
9216Bhattacharyya Soham1929IND4s ½0,67-0,1720-3,40
10236Shah Jeet1839IND3,5w 10,770,23204,60
Alam Md. Monjur 2000 BAN Rp:1835 Pts. 3
165IMSidhant Mohapatra2351IND6w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
259IMRoy Prantik2365IND6s 00,10-0,1020-2,00
3242Jodunath Biswas1732BAN1,5w 10,830,17203,40
4141Santu Mondal2106IND4s 00,36-0,3620-7,20
5233Shintre Neel1843IND3,5w ½0,71-0,2120-4,20
6239Kanishk S K1808IND2,5s ½0,75-0,2520-5,00
7227Mezanur Rahman1886BAN5w 00,66-0,6620-13,20
8232Dahal Sushrut1856NEP3,5s ½0,69-0,1920-3,80
9208Arpan Das (Jr)1952IND4w 00,57-0,5720-11,40
10212Qureshi M A1941IND3s ½0,58-0,0820-1,60
Anisuzzaman Jewel 1936 BAN Rp:1874 Pts. 3,5
191FMGajwa Ankit2273IND5,5w 00,12-0,1220-2,40
2141Santu Mondal2106IND4s 00,28-0,2820-5,60
3138IMSahu Sekhar Chandra2121IND4s 00,26-0,2620-5,20
4245Pahadi Rajan1631NEP2,5w 10,860,14202,80
5178WIMGagare Shalmali2046IND5s 00,35-0,3520-7,00
6176Alan Diviya Raj2047IND4,5w 00,35-0,3520-7,00
7237Srimathi R1836IND2,5s ½0,64-0,1420-2,80
8240Shrestha Suman1801NEP2w ½0,68-0,1820-3,60
9230Amarasinghe A A C B1867SRI3s 10,600,40208,00
10140Md. Shawket Bin Osman Shaon2109BAN3,5w ½0,270,23204,60
Mezanur Rahman 1886 BAN Rp:2149 Pts. 5
1104Ajay Karthikeyan2227IND6s 10,120,882017,60
270FMPranav Anand2340IND6w 10,080,922018,40
340Sammed Jaykumar Shete2431IND5,5s 00,08-0,0820-1,60
478FMDang Hoang Son2320VIE4w 00,08-0,0820-1,60
5124FMRamakrishna J.2171IND4s 00,16-0,1620-3,20
6156Kumar Gaurav2082IND4,5w 00,25-0,2520-5,00
7188Alam Md. Monjur2000BAN3s 10,340,662013,20
8154WCMMrudul Dehankar2085IND4w ½0,240,26205,20
9158Chandratreya Prachiti2075IND5s ½0,250,25205,00
10144Manish Anto Cristiano F2099IND4- 1K
Jodunath Biswas 1732 BAN Rp:1440 Pts. 1,5
1119WIMMichelle Catherina P2182IND6w 00,08-0,0820-1,60
2163Panesar Vedant2068IND4,5s 00,12-0,1220-2,40
3188Alam Md. Monjur2000BAN3s 00,17-0,1720-3,40
4145Jaeel Atharva2098IND5,5w 00,10-0,1020-2,00
5241Sakhawaty Sepehr1774AFG3s 00,44-0,4420-8,80
6229Ashwin Hariharan1882SGP1,5w 00,30-0,3020-6,00
7243Pokhrel Anup1674NEP2w 00,58-0,5820-11,60
8245Pahadi Rajan1631NEP2,5s ½0,64-0,1420-2,80
9244Paudel Yubraj1648NEP2w 00,62-0,6220-12,40
10-bye- --- 1