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2nd Goa International Open Grandmasters Chess Tournament-2019 (Category 'A')

Last update 25.06.2019 11:05:38, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

Player overview for ARM

3GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2611ARM1111½1½011811012,50Cat A - Grand Master OPEN
11GMPetrosyan Manuel2573ARM11111½½1½½821014,90Cat A - Grand Master OPEN

Results of the last round for ARM

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMPaichadze Luka25577 ½ - ½ GMPetrosyan Manuel2573
GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel26117 1 - 07 GMJojua Davit2580

Player details for ARM

GM Ter-Sahakyan Samvel 2611 ARM Rp:2704 Pts. 8
1126Godbole Atharva2165IND5s 10,920,08100,80
274Ajay Krishna S2335IND5,5w 10,830,17101,70
351GMManik Mikulas2399SVK6s 10,770,23102,30
438IMMohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2436IND7,5w 10,730,27102,70
528GMKostenko Petr2473KAZ6,5s ½0,69-0,1910-1,90
612GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.2557IND6,5w 10,580,42104,20
711GMPetrosyan Manuel2573ARM8s ½0,55-0,0510-0,50
81GMIturrizaga Bonelli Eduardo2637VEN7w 00,46-0,4610-4,60
925GMRahman Ziaur2481BAN7,5s 10,680,32103,20
109GMJojua Davit2580GEO7w 10,540,46104,60
GM Petrosyan Manuel 2573 ARM Rp:2685 Pts. 8
1134Siddarth M2131IND5,5s 10,920,08100,80
284WIMPriyanka Nutakki2302IND6w 10,830,17101,70
358Sahoo Utkal Ranjan2371IND5s 10,760,24102,40
440Sammed Jaykumar Shete2431IND5,5w 10,690,31103,10
529GMNeverov Valeriy2470UKR6s 10,640,36103,60
628GMKostenko Petr2473KAZ6,5w ½0,64-0,1410-1,40
73GMTer-Sahakyan Samvel2611ARM8w ½0,450,05100,50
819IMIniyan P2525IND6,5s 10,570,43104,30
99GMJojua Davit2580GEO7w ½0,490,01100,10
1013GMPaichadze Luka2557GEO7,5s ½0,52-0,0210-0,20