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CCCSA Spring 2019 IM Group Invitational

Last update 24.03.2019 23:41:36, Creator/Last Upload: capchess

Starting rank list of players

10IMTitas Stremavicius12804444LTU24722539
3NMSiddharth Banik2065843USA23412397
6FMEzra Paul Chambers20300204BDI23342336
2FMAaron Jacobson2089912USA23182396
4IMRoberto Del Campo5100046MEX22982391
8FMEugene Yanayt2020165USA22872361
7IMVishnuvardhan Arjun5013291IND22622388
1CMAbhimanyu Mishra30920019USA22322293
9NMRichard Francisco2021188USA22312377
5FMRobby Adamson2009730USA22162319