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Campionat de Catalunya Individual edats Sub10 211784

Darrera actualització18.04.2019 13:53:00, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Manuel Navarro Perez

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.Nom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Salinas Tomas Daniel 51w1 30b1 19w1 11b1 6w1 2w1 33b1 3w½ 12b½81535745,5
2Planella Zavala Ivan 52b½ 96w1 43b1 67w1 11w1 1b0 36w1 15b0 44w½61545,548,537,5
3Villa Tornero Alex 53w1 34b1 20w1 12b1 9w0 26b1 6w1 1b½ 15w17,525357,545
4Columna Hernandez Victor 54b1 29w1 23b1 13w1 33b0 19w0 70b0 31w1 27b161644,54938
5Moya Sarda Bernat 55w1 36b1 22w0 32b0 45w1 34b0 64w1 38b1 26w161841,545,535,5
6Prada Villagrasa Pau Manel 56b1 31w1 27b1 15w1 1b0 35w1 3b0 29w1 9b174495341
7Fontanet Tomas Eric 57w0 73b1 51w1 34b0 59w0 71b0 78w1 77b0 79b038435,538,529,5
8Marin Ripoll Marti 58b1 33w0 53b1 35w0 60b1 37w1 29b0 47w1 63b1619404334
9Anguera Staina Maxim 59w1 38b1 24w1 22b1 3b1 33w0 15b½ 70w1 6w06,5749,554,542
10Roca Reverte Aleix 60b1 37w1 33b0 38w0 62b1 47w1 30b0 63w0 53b153540,543,534,5
11Ercoli Andria 61w1 40b1 28w1 1w0 2b0 32b1 48w1 34b1 14w1754749,539
12Lambert Pont James 62b1 39w1 82b1 3w0 29b1 27w1 19b1 33w1 1w½7,5346,55038,5
13Mompel Ferruz Xavier 63w1 42b1 50w1 4b0 30w0 44b½ 45b1101w1 36b16,510444838
14Torres Diez Pau 64b1 43w½ 45b0 41w1 67b1 38w½ 31b1 27w1 11b062039,54332,5
15Jordana Nagera Pol 65w1 44b1 85w1 6b0 32w1 30b1 9w½ 2w1 3b06,58485140,5
16Carrasco Gomez Ariadna 66b1 45w½ 67b0 70w0101b½ 73w1 65b1 68w0 47b046335,538,529,5
17Sanchez Vacova Alejandro 67w½ 18b0 54w1 87b1 36w0101b0 69w1 53w0 82b14,55433,536,528
18Zafra Bono Elsa 68b0 17w1 56b1 40w½ 70b0 67w0 87w1 54b0 69w14,551384131
19Harutyunyan Grigoryan Yuri 69w1 48b1 1b0 42w1 34w1 4b1 12w0 40b0 29b161248,55240,5
20Poyan Cobelli Alex 70b1 47w1 3b0 82w1 35b0 52w1 38b1 30w½ 50b16,594548,537,5
21Lorenzo Castro Danilo 71w1 50b0 57w1 48b0 63w1 42b1 34w0 85b1 46w053739,54333,5
22Molina Gil Noah 72b1 49w1 5b1 9w0 38b½ 40w½ 35b½ 50w0 68b15,52344,548,537,5
23De La Riva Real Jana 73w1 57b1 4w0 50b0 64w1 46b0 71w1 48b1 34w0538394233
24Jurca Szabo Marc 74b1 68w1 9b0 47w0 82b1 53w½ 50b0 67w1101b15,52737,53931
25Serra Mestre Marta 75w1 85b0 59w0 66b1 65w1 48b0 77w1 46b0 49w1543363930
26Polo Sanchez Hector 76b1 82w0 63b1 91w1 47b1 3w0 40b0 80w1 5b0532424534,5
27De Maya Valenzuela Issac 77w1 91b1 6w0 59b1 48w1 12b0 46w1 14b0 4w0529465038,5
28Martos Martin Daniel 78b1101w1 11b0100w1 50b½ 70w0 53b1 36w0 45b½53441,54434,5
29Visa Bernat Guillem 79w1 4b0 65w1 83b1 12w0 85b1 8w1 6b0 19w0530444736,5
30Pinol Bosch Biel 80b1 1w0 64b1101w1 13b1 15w0 10w1 20b½ 70b½61346,550,538,5
31Bru Montoya Marc 81w1 6b0 69w1 85b0 71w1 59b1 14w0 4b0 48w1536404333
32Pedraza Gutierrez Mateo 82b0 74w1 66b1 5w1 15b0 11w0 68b0 65w1 58b15393940,532
33Gil Jimenez Ruben 83w1 8b1 10w1 45b1 4w1 9b1 1w0 12b0 40w0611515443
34Safont-Tria Sastre Biel 84b1 3w0 68b1 7w1 19b0 5w1 21b1 11w0 23b161445,548,538
35Lazaro Del Arco Martina 85w0 75b1 71w1 8b1 20w1 6b0 22w½ 44b0 54w15,525444837
36Vives Pararols Arnau 86b1 5w0 70b½ 43w1 17b1 50w1 2b0 28b1 13w05,526444737,5
37Jaen Arjona Biel 87w1 10b0 83w0 68b1 80w1 8b0 85w0 71b1 64w1544353829
38Silva Marsa Gerard 88b1 9w0 84b1 10b1 22w½ 14b½ 20w0 5w0 80b153143,545,537
39Torres Diez Marc 89w1 12b0 87w0 69b½ 54w0 99b1 79w½ 83b1 77w1546323424,5
40Domenech Planes Roger 90b1 11w0 88b1 18b½ 85w1 22b½ 26w1 19w1 33b176404233
41Camps Abadia Arnau 91w0 77b½ 79w1 14b0 69w½ 75b½ 54w0 97b1 84w½4663537,529
42Vardanyan Asilbekyan Ani 92b1 13w0 89b1 19b0 83w1 21w0 80b0 82w1 85b1545343627,5
43Sala Martin Guillem 93w1 14b½ 2w0 36b0 51w1100b1101w0 75b1 59w04,5493941,533
44Vallejo Ferreira Tiago 94b1 15w0 91b0 74w1 86b1 13w½ 67b1 35w1 2b½62137,53931
45Bartra Marco Marc 95w1 16b½ 14w1 33w0 5b0 54b1 13w0 91b1 28w½533424335,5
46Torrent San Nicolas Biel 96b0 76w1101b0 84w1 89b1 23w1 27b0 25w1 21b1622343629
47Martinez Ayala Pol 97w1 20b0 99w1 24b1 26w0 10b0 83w1 8b0 16w154137,539,531
48Jimenez Alvarez Otto Diego 98b1 19w0 96b1 21w1 27b0 25w1 11b0 23w0 31b0458414434
49Luco Perez Guillem 99w1 22b0100w0 71b0 81w1 77b0 73b1 66w1 25b0468313325,5
50Belvis Balsera Magi100b1 21w1 13b0 23w1 28w½ 36b0 24w1 22b1 20w05,52444,54738
51Pelegrin Serrano Oriol 1b0 78w1 7b0 86w0 43b0 88w0 92b1 96w1 76b147130,532,522,5
52Lliteras Gasol Iu 2w½ 67b0 77w½ 75b1 87w1 20b0 91w½ 59b0 93w14,55237,540,531
53Miro Garcia Julia 3b0 80w1 8w0 77b1 91w1 24b½ 28w0 17b1 10w04,54841,545,534
54Osses Falgas Angel 4w0 79b½ 17b0 92w1 39b1 45w0 41b1 18w1 35b04,550394133
55Uber Gracia Hugo 5b0 84w0 78b1 88w1100b0 82w0 86b1 79w½ 67b14,556313325
56Castellanos Garcia Javier 6w0 81b1 18w0 80b0 93w1 83b0 84w0 99b1 73w1467323425
57Aragon Ramos Eric 7b1 23w0 21b0 89w0 78b0 92w1 88b1 84b½ 75w03,58029,531,524,5
58Torres Herrera Pol 8w0 83b0 80w0 79b1 97w0 90b1 89w1 87b1 32w0472303224
59Aguilar Cabana Daniel 9b0 86w1 25b1 27w0 7b1 31w0 82b½ 52w1 43b15,528374030,5
60Serrano Beas Daniel 10w0 87b0 81w1 93b1 8w0 80b0 97w½ 69b0 94w½38830,53324,5
61Riu Escoda Laia 11b0 88w0 86b0 78w0 94b½ 72w0 -1 90b½ 89w139326,52819,5
62Gardner Luis Eduard 12w0 89b0 90w1 97b1 10w0 87b0 93w½ 94b1 91w½473303222,5
63Ariste Rodriguez Biel 13b0 90w1 26w0 98b1 21b0 78w1100w1 10b1 8w0542373930,5
64Duchene Garcia Yannick 14w0 93b1 30w0 99b1 23b0 86w1 5b0100w1 37b0461373931
65Gonzalez Catala Biel 15b0 92w1 29b0 96w1 25b0 89w1 16w0 32b0 78w038634,536,528
66Riu Escoda Alba 16w0 95b1 32w0 25w0 84b1 91b0 99w1 49b0 83w1469313226
67Arellan Zavala Marc 17b½ 52w1 16w1 2b0 14w0 18b1 44w0 24b0 55w03,57641,545,535,5
68Pop David 18w1 24b0 34w0 37w0 88b1 97b1 32w1 16b1 22w0540384032
69Jove Albaiges Guillem 19b0 94w1 31b0 39w½ 41b½ 98w½ 17b0 60w1 18b03,5773537,529
70Tarrago Plaza Marc 20w0 97b1 36w½ 16b1 18w1 28b1 4w1 9b0 30w½6174446,537,5
71Vazquez De Los Reyes Edgar 21b0 98w1 35b0 49w1 31b0 7w1 23b0 37w0100b146435,53830
72Vilarasau Garrido Joan 22w0 99b0 93w0 81b0 79w0 61b1 90w1 89b1 87w1474262820,5
73Bosch Carrera Laia 23b0 7w0 92b0 94w1 95b1 16b0 49w0 86w1 56b039227,528,522,5
74Faixedas Climent Carla 24w0 32b0 95w1 44b0 98w0 79b0 81w0 -1 96b0210031,532,525,5
75Cervello Navarro Miriam 25b0 35w0 94b1 52w0 92b1 41w½ 98b1 43w0 57b14,55532,534,527
76Ferrete Estudillo Nil 26w0 46b0 97w0 90b1 99w0 93b0 95w1 81b1 51w0391282922
77Guell Adroher Marc 27b0 41w½ 52b½ 53w0 96b1 49w1 25b0 7w1 39b0465353830
78Baro Belli Joan 28w0 51b0 55w0 61b1 57w1 63b0 7b0 88w1 65b147030,532,525,5
79Mallorqui Llop Marc 29b0 54w½ 41b0 58w0 72b1 74w1 39b½ 55b½ 7w14,5533435,529
80Ruiz Servent Arnau 30w0 53b0 58b1 56w1 37b0 60w1 42w1 26b0 38w045938,541,532,5
81Castilla Crego Marti 31b0 56w0 60b0 72w1 49b0 96w0 74b1 76w0 88b13902829,523
82Sala Kruchinin Marc 32w1 26b1 12w0 20b0 24w0 55b1 59w½ 42b0 17w03,57544,54937
83Vidal Martinez Jordi 33b0 58w1 37b1 29w0 42b0 56w1 47b0 39w0 66b0381394333
84Peiro Mecaliff Marc 34w0 55b1 38w0 46b0 66w0 95b1 56b1 57w½ 41b½462373831
85Tafzi Tafzi Oubay 35b1 25w1 15b0 31w1 40b0 29w0 37b1 21w0 42w0457444937
86Segui Blanes Adria 36w0 59b0 61w1 51b1 44w0 64b0 55w0 73b0 99w1385353729
87Altimira Ibanez Biel 37b0 60w1 39b1 17w0 52b0 62w1 18b0 58w0 72b038335,538,530,5
88Gomez Codina Celia 38w0 61b1 40w0 55b0 68w0 51b1 57w0 78b0 81w02973638,529
89Serrahima Susany Enric 39b0 62w1 42w0 57b1 46w0 65b0 58b0 72w0 61b029834,53728,5
90Wangpan Cheryl 40w0 63b0 62b0 76w0 -1 58w0 72b0 61w½ 95w12,59531,532,524,5
91Domene Mulyukova Catarina 41b1 27w0 44w1 26b0 53b0 66w1 52b½ 45w0 62b½460384232
92Gonzalez Danus Ruben 42w0 65b0 73w1 54b0 75w0 57b0 51w0 95b½ -12,596293024
93Fernandez Lopez Aitor 43b0 64w0 72b1 60w0 56b0 76w1 62b½ 98w1 52b03,578313426,5
94Ruiz Garcia Marc 44w0 69b0 75w0 73b0 61w½ -1 96b1 62w0 60b½38929,531,523,5
95Pozo Puertas Alvaro 45b0 66w0 74b0 -1 73w0 84w0 76b0 92w½ 90b01,510125,52720,5
96Cardona Espluga Bruna 46w1 2b0 48w0 65b0 77w0 81b1 94w0 51b0 74w138732,53426,5
97Ramirez Cruzlaura Laura 47b0 70w0 76b1 62w0 58b1 68w0 60b½ 41w0 98b02,594343728
98Montilla Rodríguez Ashton 48w0 71b0 -1 63w0 74b1 69b½ 75w0 93b0 97w13,5793031,525
99Segura Graset Pere 49b0 72w1 47b0 64w0 76b1 39w0 66b0 56w0 86b0299333628
100Sanchez Khachatryan Anna 50w0 -1 49b1 28b0 55w1 43w0 63b0 64b0 71w038236,54031
101Pellise Cabrera Marc -1 28b0 46w1 30b0 16w½ 17w1 43b1 13b0 24w04,547424635,5

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