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XC Final Campeonato Uruguayo Absoluto AI Hector Silva Nazzari

Last update 24.03.2019 20:48:23, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

Starting rank list of players

6GMRodriguez Vila Andres3000010URU24952535Urreta
3GMHoffman Alejandro100340URU24542569Banco Republica
8IMRoselli Mailhe Bernardo3000028URU24452560Banco Republica
5FMLopez Azambuja Nicolas3003809URU23352438La Proa
10FMMuniz Rafael3000486URU22722405Nueva Helvecia
4IMCoppola Claudio3001717URU22252352Banco Republica
1NMMichailov Matias3001571URU22052322Paysandu
7FMCuri Gabriel3000400URU21922314Trebejos
2FMGranara Barreto Sebastian3000494URU21152285Nueva Helvecia
9NMSosa Macho Juan Manuel3000354URU20722254Trebejos