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37th Premier National Women Chess Championship 2010

Last update 05.01.2011 09:40:18, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1IMTania Sachdev5007844IND2385DEL
2IMKaravade Eesha5012600IND2369MAH
3WGMPadmini Rout5029295IND2352ORI
4WGMSoumya Swaminathan5016193IND2332MAH
5WGMMohota Nisha5004330IND2325PSPB
6WGMGomes Mary Ann5013623IND2306WB
7WGMSwathi Ghate5003474IND2302MAH
8WGMKiran Manisha Mohanty5019575IND2230ORI
9WFMSaranya J5031931IND2123TN
10WFMPujari Rucha5024528IND2114MAH
11WFMBharathi R5044634IND2111TN
12WFMSwati Mohota5006511IND2090WB
13Amrutha Mokal5016371IND2089MAH
14Pratyusha Bodda5000629IND2086AP
15Preethi R5027454IND2073TN
16Harini S5024919IND2063TN
17A Akshaya5031605IND2022TN
18Rathore Sonakshi5045762IND1971RAJ
19Sithalatchumi A5036186IND1917TN
20Shweta Gole5068487IND1906MAH
21Minki Sinha5050367IND1880BIH
22Aparajita Gochhikar5046556IND1871AICF
23Arunima Kalra5048958IND1866DEL
24Nivedhitha J G5033675IND1819AICF