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Weskus Skole Prestige Skaak Kampioenskappe 2019 o9 Dogters

Last update 06.04.2019 19:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Andries Etsebeth

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Starting rank

1Cardinal JacelynnRSA608UPS
2Meintjies DanielleRSA605LPS
3Cloete Leigh-MarciaRSA517UPS
4Van Staden LaurenziaRSA501UPS
5Joseph VernitruneRSA500UPS
6Peters ChantelRSA500UPS
7Blankenberg Shasa-LeeRSA0UPS
8Brandt ChaniqaëRSA0UPS
9Cloete AkeeziaRSA0UPS
10Groenewaldt KatjaRSA0LPS
11Jacobs Le-ChiezaRSA0UPS
12Joggom ElvodiaRSA0UPS
13Michael AlcaydiaRSA0UPS
14Mouton KariRSA0PPS
15Owies ChamicaRSA0UPS
16Steenkamp GleneRSA0SAP
17Zuze SashaRSA0UPS