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2019 Warwickshire Minor (u110)

Darrera actualització24.02.2019 19:47:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: mattcarr2700

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Rànquing inicial

1Blackburn CliveENG108Coventry
2Bramley DouglasENG108Spondon
3Rayner John JENG108Nuneaton
4Mottram PaulENG107Leicester
5Deacon MatthewENG106Fareham
6Larkin Ben LENG106Stratford
7Simpson RichardENG102Shirley & Wythall
8Davies PaulENG101None
9Mikalajunas KajusENG99Leicester Junior Chess
10Love PhilENG97Newport(Shropshire)
11Wilson JeffENG97Oldham
12Goldsmith JenniferENG96Harrow
13Loughnane JohnENG90Coventry Chess
14Pyun LindsayENG87None
15Patel KeatanENG86Coventry Chess Academy
16Vas EthanENG86Coventry Chess Academy
17Agrawal AnshENG83Warwickshire Juniors
18Ramesh Karthik RENG83None
19Xia WeiquanENG82Coventry Chess Academy
20Adams DavidENG81Coventry Chess
21Buxton RichardENG81Stratford
22Sanchez MargaritaENG76Coventry Chess Academy
23Chen OliviaENG65Solihull
24Holyhead JamesENG64None
25Hilditch-Love DanielENG62Newport(Shropshire)
26Tang JoshuaENG61Leicester Juniors
27Deacon NicholasENG49Fareham
28Vm AbhishekENG0Coventry