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MP Reykjavik Open 2011

Last update 16.03.2011 19:43:23, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Player overview for ITA

28IMD'amore Carlo25050ITA110½110105,535245710-2,80
82Locci Damiano21770ITA100110101575203015-10,35
94Sellitti Federico21420ITA01½01½½1½56122921524,75

Results of the last round for ITA

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
GMHalkias Stelios 1 - 0 IMD'amore Carlo
FMJohannesson Ingvar Thor ½ - ½ Sellitti Federico
Ragnarsson Johann4 0 - 14 Locci Damiano

Player details for ITA

IM D'amore Carlo 2505 ITA Rp:2457 Pts. 5,5
1110Will Matthias20471997GER4s 10,890,11101,10
271FMReipsch Jens22472205GER4,5w 10,820,18101,80
32GMMiroshnichenko Evgenij26700UKR6w 00,28-0,2810-2,80
464WGMPtacnikova Lenka23072240ISL4,5s ½0,76-0,2610-2,60
561IMKjartansson Gudmundur23272350ISL5s 10,730,27102,70
669Mack Wolfgang22820GER4,5w 10,780,22102,20
711GMMiton Kamil26000POL7s 00,37-0,3710-3,70
853FMJohannesson Ingvar Thor23382347ISL5w 10,720,28102,80
915GMHalkias Stelios25790GRE6,5s 00,40-0,4010-4,00
Locci Damiano 2177 ITA Rp:2030 Pts. 5
1166Davidsdottir Nansy01106ISL2s 1
239FMZelbel Patrick24100GER5w 00,21-0,2115-3,15
3144Hreinsson Kristjan17921675ISL3s 00,89-0,8915-13,35
4127Ingason Sigurdur19181775ISL3,5w 10,820,18152,70
5138Antonsson Atli18301885ISL3,5s 10,890,11151,65
643FMAriel Donny23890USA5w 00,23-0,2315-3,45
7110Will Matthias20471997GER4s 10,680,32154,80
867IMPiasetski Leon22990CAN5w 00,33-0,3315-4,95
9107Ragnarsson Johann20892085ISL4s 10,620,38155,70
Sellitti Federico 2142 ITA Rp:2292 Pts. 5
111GMMiton Kamil26000POL7s 00,11-0,1115-1,65
2138Antonsson Atli18301885ISL3,5w 10,860,14152,10
343FMAriel Donny23890USA5s ½0,190,31154,65
456FMCarstensen Jacob23320DEN5,5w 00,25-0,2515-3,75
5136Jonsson Olafur Gisli18421830ISL3s 10,850,15152,25
659FMGeske Julian23290GER5,5w ½0,260,24153,60
757FMMichalczak Thomas23320GER5,5s ½0,250,25153,75
871FMReipsch Jens22472205GER4,5w 10,360,64159,60
953FMJohannesson Ingvar Thor23382347ISL5s ½0,250,25153,75