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MP Reykjavik Open 2011

Last update 16.03.2011 19:43:23, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

Player overview for BRA

13GMFier Alexandr25860BRA1½10111016,516254110-1,90
22GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag25290BRA0111½011½628237310-7,80

Results of the last round for BRA

Rd.Bo.No. NamePts. ResultPts. Name No.
GMGustafsson Jan ½ - ½ GMMekhitarian Krikor Sevag
GMFier Alexandr 1 - 0 GMWilliams Simon K

Player details for BRA

GM Fier Alexandr 2586 BRA Rp:2541 Pts. 6,5
196Ingvason Johann21352140ISL4,5w 10,890,11101,10
256FMCarstensen Jacob23320DEN5,5s ½0,81-0,3110-3,10
366FMBisby Daniel2306215ENG4,5w 10,840,16101,60
462WGMSharevich Anna23230BLR5s 00,82-0,8210-8,20
571FMReipsch Jens22472205GER4,5w 10,880,12101,20
634IMZiska Helgi Dam24320FAI5,5s 10,710,29102,90
732IMBerbatov Kiprian24540BUL6w 10,680,32103,20
84GMSokolov Ivan26430NED7s 00,42-0,4210-4,20
926GMWilliams Simon K25070ENG5,5w 10,610,39103,90
GM Mekhitarian Krikor Sevag 2529 BRA Rp:2373 Pts. 6
1105Rehfeldt Frank20910GER4s 00,89-0,8910-8,90
2155Ragnarsson Dagur16251659ISL4w 10,890,11101,10
395FMHuguet Sergio21400HON4s 10,890,11101,10
465FMKovachev Daniel Jakobsen23070NOR4,5w 10,780,22102,20
547IMMilliet Sophie23690FRA5s ½0,71-0,2110-2,10
646FMSveshnikov Vladimir23790LAT5w 00,70-0,7010-7,00
760FMStigar Petter23280NOR4,5s 10,760,24102,40
851FMSipila Vilka23470FIN4,5w 10,740,26102,60
93GMGustafsson Jan26470GER6s ½0,340,16101,60