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National Premier Chess Championship 2010, Delhi

Last update 22.12.2010 11:34:17, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

2GMNegi ParimarjanIND2603PSPB
3GMSengupta DeepIND2558WB
4IMSethuraman S PIND2547TN
5GMBakre TejasIND2525IA
6GMArun Prasad SIND2519PSPB
7GMKunte AbhijitIND2517PSPB
8GMAdhiban BIND2515PSPB
9IMVidit Santosh GujrathiIND2489MAH
10GMNeelotpal DasIND2486PSPB
11IMLalith Babu M RIND2481AP
12GMDeepan Chakkravarthy JIND2480TN
13GMLaxman R RIND2479Rlys
14GMThipsay Praveen MIND2465MAH
15GMSundararajan KidambiIND2449PSPB
16IMThejkumar M SIND2448Rlys
17IMShyam Sundar MIND2439TN
18IMVenkatesh M RIND2434PSPB
19IMKonguvel PonnuswamyIND2421PSPB
20IMVaibhav SuriIND2418DEL
21IMDebashis DasIND2411ORI
22IMPrathamesh Sunil MokalIND2408MAH
23IMVishnu Prasanna VIND2406TN
24IMSangma RahulIND2400DEL
25IMSuvrajit SahaIND2392Rlys
26IMKarthikeyan PIND2382TN
27IMSaptarshi RoyIND2382Rlys
28IMKamble VikramadityaIND2374Rlys
29IMShyam Nikil PIND2373TN
30IMSharma Dinesh KIND2371LIC
31Navin Kanna T UIND2369TN
32Thakur AkashIND2358Rlys
33WGMPadmini RoutIND2352ORI
34Tiwari ArjunIND2341Rlys
35WGMSoumya SwaminathanIND2332MAH
36Stany G AIND2329KAR
37IMSingh D PIND2326Rlys
38IMBabu N SudhakarIND2318TN
39Shashikant KutwalIND2303Rlys
40FMRajesh V A VIND2295TN
41Joshi G BIND2292IA
42Anilkumar O TIND2289KER
43Matta Vinay KumarIND2274AP
44FMRamakrishna JIND2253AP