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Category 'C' National Team Trials - Women Section

Darrera actualització19.03.2019 10:36:30, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Zambia Chess-Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

1WCMBwalya Mulwale Lubuuto8706964ZAM1850
5WCMMbatha Constance8700591ZAM1730
4Mululu Linah8706921ZAM1667
2Phiri Bertha8709840ZAM1580
3Simenda Daisy8707960ZAM1574
6Sitali Vivian8713332ZAM1541
9Mututubanya Portiah8704120ZAM1515
7WCMZeko Rose8707375ZAM1497
8Niza Chilingwe8708614ZAM1405
10Mayani Bridget8700419ZAM1338