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Category 'C' National Team Trials - Open Section

Last update 12.03.2019 15:27:47, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1FMMunenga Douglas D8700680ZAM2328
2Mulenga Prince Daniel8701776ZAM2234
3CMSimutowe Musatwe8700389ZAM2139
5Kaoma Micheal8701431ZAM2134
4Zulu Thomas8702047ZAM2132
9Kaulule Siame Kela8701709ZAM2097
8Mwape William8705453ZAM2071
6Mukosha Joshua8707413ZAM2037
7Mpanga Kasao8703965ZAM1982
10Chisopa Dalitso8716285ZAM1896