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CW Schools Open 2019 - U11 Boys

Last update 03.02.2019 19:32:26, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Michiel RaidanRSA1220Van Wyksvlei
2Willis CronanRSA1144Idas Valley
3Geldenhuys LeathonRSA975Idas Valley
4Geyser JacobusRSA914Eikestad
5Samuels ReaganRSA886Idas Valley
6Zungula ChulumancRSA867Ikaya
7De Vos SteynRSA810LS Stellenbosch
8Hanekom LoganRSA796Worc Oos
9Liebenberg BenRSA765Worc Noord
10Kriel Marnus JuanRSA758WPS
11Bester ChristoffRSA741Eikestad
12Carstens ColeRSA702Idas Valley
13Rosenberg WagheedRSA686Rhenish
14Van Zyl LouisRSA674WPS
15Adonis DylanRSA667Idas Valley
16Neels Jayden-LeeRSA663Idas Valley
17Carolus HaydenRSA622Langeberg sec
18De Kock AjRSA574Eikestad
19Olivier DirkRSA571WPS
20Jansen VerronRSA556Worc Voor
21Mazibukwana NzuzoRSA556Ikaya
22Harris GeorgeRSA555Robert Ls
23Du Toit SchalkRSA540Eikestad
24Kritzinger ChristiaanRSA500Eikestad
25Lee DelanoRSA500Bruckner DV
26Samuels RyanRSA500Worc Noord
27Basson AdriaanRSA0Worc Oos
28Boden JoshuaRSA0Rhenish
29Breed LukaRSA0Wellington Prep
30Coetzee ConlinnRSA0LS Drakenstein
31De Klerk HanroRSA0Hugenote LS
32Grobbelaar AltusRSA0LS Hugo Rust
33Heyes OliverRSA0Bridge House
34Isaacs LyleRSA0Ebenezer
35Karriem ZaydRSA0Wellington Prep
36Luyt LianRSA0Hugenote LS
37Saul DanielRSA0Rhenish
38Vermaak RemiRSA0Rhenish
39Williams GR-KeithRSA0LS Drakenstein
40Winter CuthanzarioRSA0Van Wyksvlei
41Winters SaroccoRSA0Wellington Prep
42Wu JasonRSA0Rhenish