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2018 National Women's Championship

Darrera actualització03.02.2019 16:19:13, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1WCMFelix Tobi12600989GHA1460
2WFMAyiku Angela Naa Amerley12600423GHA1418
3Benson Maud12600857GHA1291
4Ashley Christiana Naa Merley12600474GHA1221
5Allotey Dorcas12600431GHA1180
6Majid-Michel Lady Rowena12601497GHA1050
7Addo Pearl12601098GHA0
8Dickson NaanaGHA0
9Dotse Esi Dzidzor12601470GHA0
10Sharma PreetiGHA0