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2019 Frodsham Congress Under 120

Last update 03.02.2019 20:11:30, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

18Price David P112Crewe4,5
21Hawthorne Julian N119None4
3Jackson Paul Robert115None4
14Beswick Andrew105Chorlton4
59Richards Steve112Wrexham3,5
38Houston David0Rhyl & Prestatyn3,5
75Babington James113Rhyl & Prestatyn3
6Murphy Martin P112Denton3
11Kelly Alan108Wallasey3
17Greaves Robert104Formby3
23Wilson Jeff98Oldham3
24Crompton Brian E97Pensby3
36Newnham Ben29Tattenhall3
144Stent Ian114Wallasey2,5
7Owens Robert112Formby2,5
12Scorer David M108Clitheroe2,5
13Holmes Nick D106Telepost2,5
19Taylor Paul A101Holywell2,5
20De Santos Andrew R99Preston2,5
21Mccormick Roy99Frodsham2,5
22Weir Angus98Hollywell2,5
25Bonner Dennis M96Telepost2,5
37Gopalakrishna Anil0None2,5
242Dunning Stephen116Buckley/Mold2
10Coleman Patrick N108Lytham St Annes2
15Simmons John A105Colwyn Bay2
16Foy Jeff104Altrincham2
18Sommerville Gordon Br103Wallasey2
29Hall Les80Crewe2
34Green Malcolm60Tattenhall2
3126Saram Nethuli Dunindee92Chester1,5
27Bohm Richard D84Bolton1,5
28Buckley David I80Bushbury1,5
32Tekniepe T Klaus75Tattenhall1,5
35Parry Susan F58Holywell1,5
3630Hynes Thomas F79Urmston1
31Hamilton Stuart75Rhyl & Prestatyn1
33Ashley Graham62Tattenhall1