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IX Tancat del Foment Martinenc

Last update 12.12.2010 22:58:55, Creator/Last Upload: Jordi Morcillo Ferran

Starting rank list of players

3IMMunoz Pantoja Miguel150863800229PER250825082483
2IMRojas Keim Luis234313400646CHI245724572462
1IMJerez Perez Alfonso14352204100ESP241824182418
9FMGomez Jurado Luis Alberto3222202107ESP235423542330
4FMRyan Joseph215752500426IRL228922892293
8Garrido Fernandez Daniel30562206676ESP227922792271
6FMGonzalez Raul Omar152002266571ESP227922792285
10Colon Garcia Enrique166712285940ESP225322532278
7WIMPapadopoulou Vera04205472GRE220822080
5WIMLlaneza Vega Patricia18022212676ESP219321932262