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Budapest Spring Festival 2019

Last update 21.04.2019 09:22:01, Creator/Last Upload: 700290miklosorsoIA

Player overview for BLR

15GMStupak Kirill25472547BLR1½11½½½½½6112563103,50Budapest Spring Festival

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMArjun KalyanIND2445 ½ - ½ GMStupak KirillBLR2547

Player details for BLR

GM Stupak Kirill 2547 BLR Rp:2563 Pts. 6
187IMKathmale Sameer22792279IND4,5w 10,830,17101,70
256WGMKulkarni Bhakti23502350IND5,5s ½0,75-0,2510-2,50
360FMRisting Eivind Olav23452345NOR5w 10,760,24102,40
4135Pasztor Balazs21392139HUN4s 10,920,08100,80
510GMSantos Latasa Jaime25852585ESP7w ½0,450,05100,50
68GMGopal G.N.25892589IND6,5s ½0,440,06100,60
718GMShyam Sundar M.25192519IND6,5w ½0,54-0,0410-0,40
81GMNisipeanu Liviu-Dieter26802680GER5,5w ½0,320,18101,80
934IMArjun Kalyan24452445IND6s ½0,64-0,1410-1,40