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Budapest Spring Festival 2019

Last update 21.04.2019 09:22:01, Creator/Last Upload: 700290miklosorsoIA

Player overview for AZE

33IMAsadli Vugar24542454AZE1½1½½½1½½61725801015,80Budapest Spring Festival
65IMBashirli Nail23332333AZE11½0½½0115,53024521014,60Budapest Spring Festival
79FMBayramov Zaur23012301AZE½01½1½½1054724432032,40Budapest Spring Festival

Results of the last round for AZE

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMKrzyzanowski MarcinPOL25095 ½ - ½ IMAsadli VugarAZE2454
IMHenderson De La Fuente LanceESP24715 1 - 05 FMBayramov ZaurAZE2301
IMBashirli NailAZE2333 1 - 0 WIMPratyusha BoddaIND2277

Player details for AZE

IM Asadli Vugar 2454 AZE Rp:2580 Pts. 6
1105IMBorsos Bogdan22342234UKR1w 10,780,22102,20
295Bhambure Shantanu22612261IND3,5s ½0,75-0,2510-2,50
3119Wong Jianwen21852185MAS4,5w 10,830,17101,70
47GMTimofeev Artyom25932593RUS7w ½0,310,19101,90
55GMMarkus Robert26002600SRB6s ½0,300,20102,00
612GMSavchenko Boris25752575RUS6s ½0,340,16101,60
79GMBernadskiy Vitaliy25872587UKR5,5w 10,320,68106,80
814GMAryan Chopra25472547IND6w ½0,370,13101,30
920IMKrzyzanowski Marcin25092509POL5,5s ½0,420,08100,80
IM Bashirli Nail 2333 AZE Rp:2452 Pts. 5,5
1137Tran David21232123HUN1w 10,770,23102,30
218GMShyam Sundar M.25192519IND6,5s 10,260,74107,40
334IMArjun Kalyan24452445IND6w ½0,350,15101,50
420IMKrzyzanowski Marcin25092509POL5,5s 00,27-0,2710-2,70
542IMNomin-Erdene Davaademberel23992399MGL5w ½0,410,09100,90
631GMAnkit R. Rajpara24622462IND5w ½0,330,17101,70
735IMErenberg Ariel24372437ISR6s 00,36-0,3610-3,60
8123CMPrraneeth Vuppala21772177IND4,5s 10,710,29102,90
989WIMPratyusha Bodda22772277IND4,5w 10,580,42104,20
FM Bayramov Zaur 2301 AZE Rp:2443 Pts. 5
17GMTimofeev Artyom25932593RUS7s ½0,150,35207,00
213GMHakobyan Aram25542554ARM6,5w 00,19-0,1920-3,80
3122Subramanian Aditya21812181SWE2,5s 10,660,34206,80
437FMShagbazyan Taron24292429UKR4,5w ½0,330,17203,40
5141Thrish Karthik20962096IND3s 10,760,24204,80
649IMRavi Teja S.23832383IND5,5w ½0,390,11202,20
731GMAnkit R. Rajpara24622462IND5s ½0,290,21204,20
838IMNguyen Piotr24272427POL4,5w 10,330,672013,40
928IMHenderson De La Fuente Lance24712471ESP6s 00,28-0,2820-5,60