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Festival Nacional de la Juventud 2019 SUB 18

Last update 09.02.2019 16:29:22, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

3Aguero Centurion Abel Alejandro3702820PAR2015Asuncion
5FMBenitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR1940Asuncion
8Mayeregger Arnold3705226PAR1841Luque
9Perez Canete Ivan3703215PAR1622CDE
4Perez Canete Dora Romina3704890PAR1406wCDE
10Lugo Tatiana3707474PAR1272wAsuncion
7Villalba Galeano Ana Jesus3704998PAR1222wCDE
1Roche Escobar Mara3708969PAR1130wAsuncion
2Avalos Sanabria Augusto Alfredo3710750PAR0Asuncion
6Molinas Bazan Pedro Antonio3710831PAR0Horqueta