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Festival Nacional de la Juventud 2019 SUB 12

Last update 09.02.2019 15:47:53, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6Jodorcovsky Alejandro David3705625PAR1691Asuncion
8Frutos Moreno Carlos Manuel3708888PAR1445Itacurubi Cordillera
2Garcia Alejandro3707431PAR1284Asuncion
3Zorrilla Videla Maria Valentina3708918PAR1200wAsuncion
4Franco Franchi Renato3708896PAR1095Asuncion
5Mayeregger Gonzalez Renata3708900PAR1014wAsuncion
7Caceres Benitez Fernando Israel3710777PAR0San Lorenzo
9Lopez Bobadilla Cecilia Jazmin3710815PAR0wSan Lorenzo
1Tempesta Canete Pietro Vincenzo3710181PAR0Asuncion