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Festival Nacional de la Juventud 2019 SUB 8

Last update 09.02.2019 15:44:34, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2Anazco Villalba Santino Jesus3710866PAR0Asuncion
1Lugo Martinez Jimena Sofia3710793PAR0wAsuncion
8Montiel Caceres Ariadne Azucena3710858PAR0wAsuncion
3Portillo Arriola Andrea Magali3710726PAR0wEncarnacion
7Solaeche G. Axel Jose3709426PAR0CDE
6Torales G. Ivan Alejandro B.3710785PAR0Asuncion
4Torres Caballero Sofia Anabela3709434PAR0wCDE
5Vinales Gonzalez Enzo Mathias3710211PAR0Asuncion