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European Individual Chess Championship 2019

Last update 05.04.2019 10:54:30, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Player overview for SWE

9GMGrandelius Nils2694SWE1101111½½½18,5227921013,50
354Hart Alexander1885SWE000100000½12,5353177620-30,80

Results of the last round for SWE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMGledura Benjamin2630 0 - 1 GMGrandelius Nils2694
Hart Alexander1885 1 bye  

Player details for SWE

GM Grandelius Nils 2694 SWE Rp:2792 Pts. 8,5
1189IMKourkoulos-Arditis Stamatis2435GRE6s 1101,80
2111GMStupak Kirill2537BLR7w 1102,90
382GMAzarov Sergei2585BLR6,5s 010-6,50
4133IMKeymer Vincent2509GER6,5w 1102,60
577GMDonchenko Alexander2593GER6,5s 1103,60
659GMErdos Viktor2612HUN6,5w 1103,90
763GMPredke Alexandr2611RUS7,5s 1103,90
837GMPiorun Kacper2631POL8w ½10-0,90
969GMEsipenko Andrey2603RUS7,5s ½10-1,20
1028GMAnton Guijarro David2643ESP8w ½10-0,70
1138GMGledura Benjamin2630HUN7,5s 1104,10
Hart Alexander 1885 SWE Rp:1776 Pts. 2,5
1174IMFlom Gabriel2457FRA6s 020-2,20
2264FMAntova Gabriela2286ECU4,5w 020-2,20
3309WFMLahav Michal2158ISR3,5s 020-3,40
4332AIMTrisha Kanyamarala2061IRL4,5w 12014,60
5302FMIsik Alparslan2180TUR5,5s 020-3,00
6325Janjic Stefan2086SRB4w 020-4,80
7326FMKonstantinov Aleksandar2079MKD3s 020-5,00
8334Krstev Emil2050MKD4w 020-5,60
9359Taleski Vaso1677MKD2s 020-15,40
10358Petrovic Lazar1690MKD2w ½20-5,00
11-bye- --- 1