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Aeroflot Open 2019 A

Last update 27.02.2019 18:36:52, Creator/Last Upload: St.Petersburg Chess Federation

Player overview for ISR

8GMNabaty Tamir2688ISR½½1½½1001544Open A

Results of the last round for ISR

Rd.Bo.No.NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtgNo.
9248GMNabaty TamirISR26884 1 - 04 IMIniyan PIND248084

Player details for ISR

GM Nabaty Tamir 2688 ISR Rp:2607 Pts. 5
158GMSantos Ruiz Miguel2554ESP4w ½
254GMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2560UZB5s ½
368GMPraggnanandhaa R2532IND4,5w 1
439GMDonchenko Alexander2600GER4s ½
540GMSvane Rasmus2599GER4,5w ½
645GMNihal Sarin2578IND5w 1
741GMPetrosian Tigran L.2595ARM5,5s 0
846GMYuffa Daniil2578RUS5s 0
984IMIniyan P2480IND4w 1