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New Year's 2019 open Chess Square ( in memory of Achilleas Mitsakos ) Επαθλα συνολικής αξίας 1300 ευρω

Last update 08.01.2019 21:18:09, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMKotronias Vasilios2493GRE 29b1 8w1 18b1 2w1 9b1 10w1 11b1 7w1 4b½8,552,5488
2WFMMarkantonaki Haritomeni2122GRE 26w1 43b1 34w1 1b0 3w1 12b1 18w1 9b1 10w1850468
3Delithanasis Dimitrios1906GRE 31b1 30w1 13b1 7w½ 2b0 9w0 26b1 20w1 19b16,54944,56
4IMGrigoriadis Alexandros2197GRE 24b1 14w½ 27b0 37w1 36b1 11w½ 34b1 19w1 1w½6,547435
5Spyratos Nikolaos1648GRE 39b1 12w½ 14b0 48w1 26w1 7b0 31b1 34w1 9w16,544,540,56
6Vazelakis Dimitrios1920GRE 61b1 46w1 9b0 52w0 47b1 27w1 8b½ 28w1 13b16,542,5396
7Finokaliotis Georgios2057GRE 37b1 49w1 11b½ 3b½ 8w½ 5w1 12b½ 1b0 18w1651,547,54
8Diamantopoulos Leonidas Nik1890GRE 41b1 1b0 23w1 30w1 7b½ 19b½ 6w½ 12w½ 28b1649,545,54
9Grigoriadis Mihail2227GRE 23w1 28b1 6w1 10b½ 1w0 3b1 20w1 2w0 5b05,55651,55
10Abelakiotis Stavros1965GRE 21b1 44w1 52b1 9w½ 1b0 11w1 2b05,552,5494
11Kesaris Evangelos1901GRE 55w1 17b1 7w½ 15b½ 14w1 4b½ 1w0 10b0 30w15,550,547,54
12Ignatiadis Konstantinos2053GRE 47w1 5b½ 35b1 27w½ 52b1 2w0 7w½ 8b½ 15w½5,54945,53
13Papadimitriou Loukas1970GRE 45w1 20b1 3w0 21b½ 17w1 18b1 6w05,54743,54
14Koerant Filipos1811GRE 38w1 4b½ 5w1 11b0 35w1 19b0 16w½ 29b15,547434
15Fanourgakis Konstantinos1679GRE 40w½ 62b1 53b1 11w½ 18b0 21w½ 16b½ 22w1 12b½5,543,5403
16Georgitsi Sofia1339GRE 18b0 57w1 44b½ 35w½ 29b1 15w½ 14b½ 27w15,540,537,53
17Anisios Markos1510GRE 65b1 11w0 38b½ 53w1 19w0 45b1 13b0 37w1 31b15,536,535,55
18Girvalakis Spyridon1925GRE 16w1 25b1 1w0 45b1 15w1 34b1 2b0 13w0 7b055248,55
19Cruceru Lavinel1970ROU 54b1 52w0 62b1 20w½ 17b1 8w½ 14w1 4b0 3w0548444
20Papaioannou Dimitrios1595GRE 64b1 13w0 54b1 19b½ 22w1 43w1 9b0 3b0 21w½54340,54
21Soukarie Zorz1364GRE 10w0 42b1 25w1 43b½ 13w½ 15b½ 36b½ 29w½ 20b½542,539,52
22Petratos Georgios0GRE 30b0 31w1 33b½ 44w1 20b0 24w1 15b0 38b154238,54
23AFMKartsidima Aikaterini1464GRE 9b0 59w1 8b0 50w0 40b½ 51w1 41b1 44w1 25b½538354
24Kourouklis Efthymios-Nektarios1443GRE 4w0 38b0 51w1 40w1 46b½ 22b0 45w½ 53b1 44b1537,534,54
25Konstantinidis Dimitrios Gk1588GRE 57b1 18w0 21b0 59w1 50b1 36w0 47w½ 35b1 23w½536,533,54
26Michalis Vasileios1421GRE 2b0 50w1 28w1 5b0 49b1 3w0 43b1 -04,547,5444
27Koutis Pavlos1614GRE 32b1 4w1 12b½ 34w0 6b0 36w1 16b04,54742,53
28Sideris Theodoros1870GRE 59b1 9w0 26b0 38w1 54b1 30w1 6b0 8w04,543,540,54
29Mavromoustakos Thomas1467GRE 1w0 55b1 16w0 50b1 39w1 21b½ 14w04,543403
30Poupalos Nikolaos1510GRE 22w1 3b0 60w1 8b0 45w½ 38b1 28b0 47w1 11b04,540,538,54
31AFMKartsidima Angeliki1297GRE 3w0 22b0 58w1 49w½ 64b1 37b1 5w0 45b1 17w04,54037,54
32Stounos Nikolaos1377GRE 27w0 40b½ 39w0 59b1 33w1 44b½ 46w1 -04,538,535,53
33Mouratidis Haralambos1664GRE -0 22w½ 61b0 65w1 32b0 48w½ 51b1 47b14,534,533,53
34Nemtsas Hristoforos1913GRE 48w1 36b1 2b0 46w1 27b1 18w0 4w0 5b0 -0448444
35Davillas Konstantinos1485GRE 40b1 12w0 16b½ 61w1 14b0 25w0 41b½443392
36Michalis Christos Panagiotis1533GRE 56b1 34w0 61b1 4w0 25b1 21w½ 27b0 -0442,539,53
37Tagklis Ioannis1421GRE 7w0 51b½ 41w1 4b0 53b1 31w0 49w1 17b0 39b½441383
Georgiadis Anastasios1189GRE 14b0 24w1 17w½ 28b0 48b1 30w0 55b1 22w0441383
39Spyratou Kleanthi1061GRE 5w0 47b0 56w1 32b1 49w0 54w1 29b0 48b½ 37w½438,535,53
40Amiris Emmanouil1141GRE 15b½ 35w0 32w½ 24b0 23w½ 42b- 59b½ 56w1 55b1437,534,52
41Poupalos Alexandros1258GRE 8w0 66w½ 37b0 58b1 44w0 57b1 23w0 60b1 35w½434323
42Kazantzoglou Aristotelis934GRE 44b0 21w0 50b0 56b0 58w1 40w+ 55w0 65b1 53w+427262
43Hreppas Ilias1683GRE 50b1 2w0 47b1 21w½ 20b0 26w0 -03,54440,52
44Ioannidis Efklidis1564GRE 42w1 10b0 16w½ 22b0 41b1 32w½ 23b0 24w03,542,539,52
45Megaloudis Petros1380GRE 13b0 64w1 49b1 18w0 30b½ 17w0 24b½ 31w0 50w½3,54037,52
46Tourkolias Dimitrios1524GRE 63w1 6b0 55w1 34b0 24w½ 32b0 -03,53937,52
47Kazantzoglou Nikolaos1416GRE 12b0 39w1 43w0 65b1 6w0 55w1 25b½ 30b0 33w03,538,537,53
48Papadopoulou Marilena1319GRE 34b0 56w1 5b0 38w0 64w1 33b½ 39w½ -03,538,5362
49Chantzopoulos Theodoros1620GRE 51w1 7b0 45w0 31b½ 39b1 26w0 37b0 59w1 -03,537,534,53
50Kazantzoglou Stefanos1164GRE 43w0 26b0 42w1 23b1 25w0 29w0 54b0 57w1 45b½3,537343
51Ikonomou Theodoros1059GRE 49b0 37w½ 24b0 64w½ 23b0 -1 33w0 58w13,53431,51
52Koulouris Evangelos1592GRE 58w1 19b1 10w0 6b1 12w0 -0 -0 -0 -034441,53
53Kostopoulos Konstantinos1232GRE 66b1 15w0 17b0 37w0 56b1 24w0 42b-340372
54Nathanail Spyridon1415GRE 19w0 58b1 20w0 60b1 28w0 39b0 50w1 -0 -0335333
55Ntovas Dimitrios1270GRE 11b0 65w1 46b0 29w0 60w1 47b0 42b1 38w0 40w0332313
56Datsas Panagiotis0GRE 36w0 48b0 39b0 42w1 53w0 40b0 63b1331,5302
57Ntatsas Konstantinos974GRE 25w0 16b0 59b0 63w1 41w0 50b0 60w133129,52
58Makavelos Vasilios1035GRE 52b0 54w0 31b0 41w0 42b0 -1 64w1 63w1 51b032927,52
59AFMKormakopoulos Konstantinos1209GRE 28w0 23b0 57w1 25b0 32w0 65b1 40w½ 49b0 -02,535,534,52
60Vitos Fotis0GRE 62w0 -1 30b0 54w0 55b0 63b1 41w0 57b02,53129,51
61Stefanidis Ioannis1326GRE 6w0 63b1 36w0 33w1 35b0 62w- -0 -0 -0236,5352
62Tsivourakis Panteleimon1495GRE 60b1 15w0 19w0 61b- -0 -0 -0235,533,51
63Kanavos Panagiots0GRE 46b0 61w0 64b0 57b0 -1 60w0 65w1 58b0 56w0224231
64Vasilas Vasileios1038GRE 20w0 45b0 63w1 51b½ 31w0 48b0 58b0 -0 -01,529,5281
65Ntanou Theofania-Christina0GRE 17w0 55b0 -1 47w0 33b0 59w0 63b0 42w0 -0129,5280
66Frysiras Konstantinos1887GRE 53w0 41b½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,528,5270

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)