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Open International de Blitz de Douala 1er Edition - Master

Last update 17.12.2018 10:12:06, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1FMEbosse Kingue Victor Patrick16400291CMR1993
2IMAmba Oyon Marius Claude16400240CMR1931
3Zebaze Dongmo Loic Dylane16401107CMR1810
4Tchuenbou Michael16400704CMR1802
5Lobe Belhe Prosper16401190CMR1581
6Girardin Jean-Marc26062712CMR1555
7WCMMagne Kouokam Sylviane16400402CMR1501
8Becquart Donatien16401263CMR0
9Canavaggia Jea-FrancoisCMR0
10Fapom Njapom Roger16401166CMR0
11Gnounewou Seraphin Fopa16400356CMR0
12HACHIM BACHAR Mahamat16401255CMR0
13Metuno Kuete Bleriot Rocalixt16401131CMR0
14Tanko Eli16400453CMR0
15Penda Sone Guy Philippe16400500CMR1882
16Ange Dorian Rickiel Nzouombo16401271CMR0