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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE IM XII -2018

Last update 23.12.2018 15:33:49, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2GMAbramovic Bosko900206SRB2372
4IMJakovljevic Vlado916080BIH2359
10FMTomic Aleksandar16501799MNE2312
7IMNikac Predrag908975MNE2303
8FMOrosz Andras760498HUN2281
3Draganic Veljko931306MNE2270
9Uysal Burak6339387TUR2247
6WFMZherebtsova Alexandra24129518RUS2186w
5FMMartynyuk Elizaveta24128511RUS2128w
1Om Kharola25075772IND2080