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King Salman World Rapid Championship 2018 Open

Last update 28.12.2018 19:34:50, Creator/Last Upload: Vladimir Fedorov, IA, RUS

Player overview for GER

41GMFridman Daniel2677GER1½½1½½01½½0111½9,5252013,40Open
94GMBindrich Falko2584GER101010½½½½0½1107,511420-36,00Open
105GMTeske Henrik2555GER010110000000000320020-47,60Open
167IMHirneise Tobias2415GER0½00½10½½½0½011617220-7,40Open
181FMHirneise Jens2355GER0½½½010½½½01½005,51742029,20Open

Results of the last round for GER

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAnand Viswanathan27239 ½ - ½9 GMFridman Daniel2677
GMBindrich Falko2584 0 - 1 GMDreev Aleksey2671
FMHirneise Jens2355 0 - 1 IMSokolov Andrei2482
GMIljiushenok Ilia26075 0 - 15 IMHirneise Tobias2415
GMTeske Henrik25553 0 not paired  

Player details for GER

GM Fridman Daniel 2677 GER Rp:2707 Pts. 9,5
1144FMDzhumagaliev Yan2485RUS5,5s 1205,00
2102GMPredke Alexandr2566RUS8w ½20-3,00
3124GMKhusnutdinov Rustam2530KAZ7s ½20-4,00
496GMMoiseenko Vadim2583RUS7,5w 1207,40
510GMHarikrishna Pentala2758IND7,5s ½202,20
692GMJumabayev Rinat2593KAZ8w ½20-2,40
73GMArtemiev Vladislav2812RUS10,5s 020-6,40
898GMIndjic Aleksandar2575SRB8w 1207,20
9106GMTari Aryan2554NOR8s ½20-3,40
1080GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2613RUS9w ½20-1,80
1182GMParavyan David2611RUS9s 020-11,80
12104GMTukhaev Adam2556UKR8w 1206,80
1391IMKhanin Semen2594RUS8,5s 1207,80
1471GMAntipov Mikhail Al.2628RUS9w 1208,60
1524GMAnand Viswanathan2723IND9,5s ½201,20
GM Bindrich Falko 2584 GER Rp:2486 Pts. 7,5
1197FMYeritsyan Aram2209RUS6,5w 1201,80
231GMOparin Grigoriy2701RUS9,5s 020-6,80
3177FMTsoi Dmitry2381RUS5w 1204,80
429GMAnton Guijarro David2708ESP10s 020-6,60
5175IMSharma Dinesh K.2388IND6w 1205,00
627GMJobava Baadur2718GEO9,5s 020-6,40
7155GMMaghsoodloo Parham2463IRI7w ½20-3,20
8187GMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2312UZB8s ½20-6,60
9135IMOganian Miran2506RUS7w ½20-2,20
10150GMSanal Vahap2476TUR7s ½20-3,00
11172GMSteinberg Nitzan2400ISR7,5w 020-14,80
12170GMKabanov Nikolai2403RUS6,5s ½20-4,80
13152GMTeterev Vitaly2472BLR7w 1207,00
14142GMVishnu Prasanna. V2489IND7,5s 1207,40
1547GMDreev Aleksey2671RUS8,5w 020-7,60
GM Teske Henrik 2555 GER Rp:2382 Pts. 3
12GMNakamura Hikaru2844USA10,5s 020-3,20
2164IMTissir Mohamed2417MAR6,5w 1206,20
314GMLe Quang Liem2752VIE9s 020-5,00
4154GMCarlsson Pontus2463SWE8w 1207,40
5172GMSteinberg Nitzan2400ISR7,5s 1205,80
660GMEsipenko Andrey2643RUS7w 020-7,60
759GMPonkratov Pavel2650RUS10w 020-7,40
8175IMSharma Dinesh K.2388IND6s 020-14,40
9179IMBorisenko Viacheslav2367UKR6w 020-14,80
10177FMTsoi Dmitry2381RUS5s 020-14,60
11-not paired- --- 0
12-not paired- --- 0
13-not paired- --- 0
14-not paired- --- 0
15-not paired- --- 0
IM Hirneise Tobias 2415 GER Rp:2391 Pts. 6
164GMAlekseenko Kirill2635RUS9,5s 020-4,40
272GMVallejo Pons Francisco2628ESP8w ½205,40
3106GMTari Aryan2554NOR8s 020-6,20
450GMKovalenko Igor2665LAT9,5w 020-3,80
5113GMHakobyan Aram2545ARM7,5w ½203,60
6192FMDanielyan Vahe2261ARM5,5s 1205,80
754GMJones Gawain C B2655ENG8,5w 020-4,00
8116GMRechlis Gad2543ISR5,5s ½203,40
9118GMZablotsky Sergei2542RUS7w ½203,40
10125GMVaisser Anatoli2530FRA5,5s ½203,20
11139IMVlassov Nikolai2492RUS5,5w 020-7,80
12202CMAl Thebaiti Ahmed M1826KSA4,5s ½20-8,40
13193Chen Qi B2258CHN6,5w 020-14,20
14201CMMasrahi Abdulrahman A1878KSA5s 1201,60
1584GMIljiushenok Ilia2607RUS5s 12015,00
FM Hirneise Jens 2355 GER Rp:2437 Pts. 5,5
178GMPiorun Kacper2615POL9s 020-3,60
2106GMTari Aryan2554NOR8w ½205,20
3122GMPopov Valerij2531RUS7,5s ½204,60
4127GMBaron Tal2525ISR5w ½204,40
5114IMShinkevich Vitaly2545RUS7s 020-5,00
6130GMMikhalevski Victor2516ISR6,5w 12014,20
7121IMReshetnikov Alexey2537RUS7w 020-5,20
8125GMVaisser Anatoli2530FRA5,5s ½204,60
987GMSmirin Ilia2601ISR8w ½206,20
10143GMMakarov Marat2486RUS5,5s ½203,60
11138Vastrukhin Oleg2495RUS7,5w 020-6,20
12118GMZablotsky Sergei2542RUS7s 12014,80
13123GMGeller Jakov2530RUS6,5w ½204,60
14141IMGutenev Alexander2490RUS7s 020-6,40
15149IMSokolov Andrei2482LAT6,5w 020-6,60