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King Salman World Rapid Championship 2018 Open

Last update 28.12.2018 19:34:50, Creator/Last Upload: Vladimir Fedorov, IA, RUS

Player overview for CHN

7GMWang Hao2782CHN11½½1½1½1½½½½0½9,51920-0,60Open
11GMYu Yangyi2758CHN½111½1½½1½1½½0½1072026,40Open
193Chen Qi B2258CHN011½0000010½1½16,51482072,20Open

Results of the last round for CHN

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMPonkratov Pavel2650 ½ - ½ GMYu Yangyi2758
GMWang Hao27829 ½ - ½9 GMCheparinov Ivan2697
Chen Qi B2258 1 - 05 FMTsoi Dmitry2381

Player details for CHN

GM Wang Hao 2782 CHN Rp:2772 Pts. 9,5
1110GMGabrielian Artur2546RUS6s 1204,00
278GMPiorun Kacper2615POL9w 1205,60
338GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2683POL10s ½20-2,80
440GMZubov Alexander2681UKR9,5w ½20-2,80
537GMBocharov Dmitry2683RUS8,5s 1207,20
628GMGelfand Boris2715ISR9w ½20-1,80
768GMVitiugov Nikita2632RUS7,5s 1206,00
826GMSjugirov Sanan2722RUS7w ½20-1,60
922GMAndreikin Dmitry2725RUS9,5s 1208,40
109GMNepomniachtchi Ian2771RUS9w ½20-0,40
113GMArtemiev Vladislav2812RUS10,5s ½200,80
1216GMGiri Anish2739NED10w ½20-1,20
13169GMFirouzja Alireza2412IRI10s ½20-8,00
1425GMDubov Daniil2723RUS11w 020-11,60
1532GMCheparinov Ivan2697GEO9,5w ½20-2,40
GM Yu Yangyi 2758 CHN Rp:2820 Pts. 10
1114IMShinkevich Vitaly2545RUS7s ½20-5,40
2174IMZubritskiy Artyom2397RUS6,5w 1202,00
365GMPotkin Vladimir2635RUS8,5s 1206,60
438GMDuda Jan-Krzysztof2683POL10w 1208,00
525GMDubov Daniil2723RUS11s ½20-1,00
640GMZubov Alexander2681UKR9,5w 1207,80
722GMAndreikin Dmitry2725RUS9,5s ½20-1,00
86GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2786AZE10,5w ½200,80
926GMSjugirov Sanan2722RUS7s 1209,00
103GMArtemiev Vladislav2812RUS10,5w ½201,60
119GMNepomniachtchi Ian2771RUS9s 12010,40
1228GMGelfand Boris2715ISR9w ½20-1,20
1316GMGiri Anish2739NED10s ½20-0,60
142GMNakamura Hikaru2844USA10,5w 020-7,60
1559GMPonkratov Pavel2650RUS10s ½20-3,00
Chen Qi B 2258 CHN Rp:2468 Pts. 6,5
190IMTsydypov Zhamsaran2595RUS8,5s 020-2,40
2118GMZablotsky Sergei2542RUS7w 12016,80
350GMKovalenko Igor2665LAT9,5s 12018,40
476GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2618ESP7,5w ½208,00
566GMKhismatullin Denis2632RUS6s 020-2,00
6106GMTari Aryan2554NOR8w 020-3,00
7126GMKryakvin Dmitry2529RUS7s 020-3,40
8127GMBaron Tal2525ISR5w 020-3,60
9140IMDrygalov Andrey2491RUS7,5s 020-4,20
10184FMGuimaraes Diogo Duarte2348BRA4,5w 12012,40
11130GMMikhalevski Victor2516ISR6,5s 020-3,60
12151IMZakhartsov Vladimir2473RUS6,5w ½205,40
13167IMHirneise Tobias2415GER6s 12014,20
14143GMMakarov Marat2486RUS5,5s ½205,80
15177FMTsoi Dmitry2381RUS5w 12013,40