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Seniors World-Championship 2010 Open

Last update 06.11.2010 18:21:03, Creator/Last Upload: IA Christian Krause

Player overview for SRB

9GMRajkovic Dusan2443SRB111110½1½00723Seniors WCC 2010 Open
69Keserovic Milan2194SRB1011½00½1½½679Seniors WCC 2010 Open

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMRajkovic Dusan24437 0 - 17 IMFilipenko Alexander V2327
Keserovic Milan2194 ½ - ½ Ozbilen Hayri2114

Player details for SRB

GM Rajkovic Dusan 2443 SRB Rp:2454 Pts. 7
1121Finnlaugsson Gunnar2072ISL5,5w 1
278Doehner Hans-Juergen2169GER6s 1
344Jadrijevic Ante2242CRO7w 1
450Gundersen Helge2230NOR6,5s 1
51GMTseshkovsky Vitaly2564RUS7,5s 1
63GMVaisser Anatoly2507FRA8,5w 0
716IMDanner Georg2418AUT7,5s ½
833FMRuckschloss Karol2293SVK7,5w 1
94GMJansa Vlastimil2499CZE8,5w ½
102GMDydyshko Viacheslav2547BLR8,5s 0
1125IMFilipenko Alexander V2327RUS8w 0
Keserovic Milan 2194 SRB Rp:2182 Pts. 6
1181Rucka Alois1886CZE5,5w 1
210GMErmenkov Evgenij2442PLE7s 0
3131Benson Lachlan2032AUS4,5w 1
4127Belokopyt Boris2041RUS6s 1
520GMWesterinen Heikki M J2365FIN7w ½
622IMKlundt Klaus2355GER7s 0
7113Carlsten Peter2097SWE6w 0
8117Rasmussen Lars-Bo2090LUX5s ½
9121Finnlaugsson Gunnar2072ISL5,5w 1
10106Stull Norbert2110LUX5,5s ½
11104Ozbilen Hayri2114TUR6w ½