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Seniors World-Championship 2010 Open

Last update 06.11.2010 18:21:03, Creator/Last Upload: IA Christian Krause

Player overview for BLR

2GMDydyshko Viacheslav2547BLR111½1½½½11½8,53Seniors WCC 2010 Open
170Sevenyuk Alexey1920BLR0½1001½½½004185Seniors WCC 2010 Open

Results of the last round for BLR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMJansa Vlastimil24998 ½ - ½8 GMDydyshko Viacheslav2547
Strand Oyvin19784 1 - 04 Sevenyuk Alexey1920

Player details for BLR

GM Dydyshko Viacheslav 2547 BLR Rp:2586 Pts. 8,5
1114Shamis Mordehay2096ISR5,5s 1
259Anguera Maestro Jaime2205ESP6,5w 1
331FMSloth Jorn2302DEN7s 1
419IMVan Riemsdijk Herman C2390BRA8w ½
525IMFilipenko Alexander V2327RUS8s 1
65GMTimoscenko Gennadij2499SVK8w ½
710GMErmenkov Evgenij2442PLE7s ½
83GMVaisser Anatoly2507FRA8,5w ½
915GMFarago Ivan2420HUN7,5s 1
109GMRajkovic Dusan2443SRB7w 1
114GMJansa Vlastimil2499CZE8,5s ½
Sevenyuk Alexey 1920 BLR Rp:1912 Pts. 4
158Agzamov Valery2209UZB7w 0
276Gutzeit Avraham2175ISR6s ½
3219Cesati Cassin Giorgio1598ITA2,5w 1
4119FMJones Brian2079AUS5s 0
580Bondick Karl-Heinz2166GER6,5w 0
6201D Aulisa Francesco1779ITA4,5s 1
7129Catania Duane2037USA5,5w ½
8136Wintner Ivan2024SUI4,5s ½
9132Davydov Mihail2032GER5w ½
10121Finnlaugsson Gunnar2072ISL5,5s 0
11147Strand Oyvin1978NOR5s 0