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2018 GCA National Championships

Darrera actualització09.12.2018 23:31:34, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Ghana Chess-Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

1FMHasford John Kojo12600083GHA2032
8CMMensah Joseph Jamena12600407GHA1993
2IMAnquandah Francis Eric12600148GHA1965
7Ameku Philip Elikem12600326GHA1927
10CMAdu Jnr Lionel12600750GHA1897
5Anhwere Bernard12600580GHA1809
3CMThompson Edward Nii Lamptey12600113GHA1802
4Aduamah David Kofi12601381GHA1749
9CMSosu Edward12600385GHA1732
6Odoi Isaac Abeasi12600253GHA1731