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2nd World School Chess Teams Championship Czech Open 2006

Last update 19.07.2006 20:15:02, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11SCHOOL CLUB OTOPENI (U16)761020,5111,580,50
24ZELENODOLSK (U14)74301811280,00
33HOHE LANDESSCHULE HANAU (U16)742117,599,577,50
42CESKY TESIN (U14)731316,5111,583,50
59TUR MONGOL SCHOOL (U12)741216,510978,00
618ZS ZLATE HORY (U16)750216,510976,50
78OSNOVNA SOLA IG (U16)733116,510877,00
872. ZS JANA CAPKA FRYDEK-MISTEK (U16)73041511177,50
910ALIS WROCLAW (U12)731315100,572,50
1017ZS V.KL.KLICPERY NOVY BYDZOV (U14)732214,58567,00
1116ZS MOST, V. TALICHA (U14)722313,5100,575,50
125KAZINCZY FERENC PRIMARY SCHOOL (U14)730413,582,564,50
1314VOSCHOD CHELYABINSK (U12)72051311480,50
1415ZS METELKOVO NAMESTI TEPLICE (U12)73041377,559,50
156ZS JILOVSKA PRAHA (U14)7214127860,00
1613KINCOPPAL CZECKEROOS (U12)730411,58262,50
1711ICHESS A (U12)71157,58365,00
1812ICHESS B (U12)70071,589,564,50

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum Of team-points Of the opponents)
Tie Break3: Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (without two results=middle Tie-Breaks)