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Cto. Uruguayo "HÉCTOR SILVA NAZZARI" Cuartos de Final - Trebejos 2018

Last update 20.12.2018 03:44:40, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1Lanzilotta Marcelo3001750URU19762122
2Ramos Correa Gabriel3009939URU19302048
3Salguero Rafael3003876URU18772002
4Montoli Sebastian3007120URU18371958
5Rodriguez Farias Victor3004759URU18261941
6Milans Carlos3001490URU18221945
7Casas Nicolas3002055URU18001933
8Diano Gabriel3009629URU17781992
9Vinella Marcelo3006158URU17031847
10Uslenghi Leonel3002098URU16941748
11Castagnet Carlos3010805URU16781759
12Fernandez Cuneo Carlos3002713URU16161673
13Guidali Leonardo3003167URU16011678
14Vinas Matias3011402URU16010
15Rocca Jose3008142URU15821651
16Benitez Julio3001970URU15591656
17Da Luz Elias3011399URU14760
18Souto Andres3007634URU13041302
19Olivera Omar3011127URU11841439
20Sardi Anibal3011496URU00