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Campeonato Nacional Paraguayo_ Absoluto 2018

Last update 25.11.2018 17:58:06, Creator: Paraguayan Chess Federation,Last Upload: cataman1962

Starting rank list of players

4GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris3503631PAR2621
8GMFranco Ocampos Zenon2209381PAR2483
3FMZacarias M Ruben D3700755PAR2147
9Diaz Fernando3701255PAR2070
1FMBenitez Galeano Alejandro3703568PAR2065
2Heinechen John3700976PAR2017
5Aguero Centurio Abel Alejandro3702820PAR1996
7Pereira Sergio3701530PAR1994
10Gamarra Ramon3700348PAR1968
6Franco Pinanez Miguel A3705170PAR1835