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Semifinal do Campeonato Amapaense de Xadrez Absoluto C.A.X.A. 2018

Last update 18.11.2018 17:28:22, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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Starting rank

1De Vjunior Liduino Furtado2109913BRA2065
2Carvalho Cleber Del Castillo22720995BRA1954
3De Souza Monteiro Marcos Paulo2118343BRA1918
4Vieira Rodrigo Chagas22722602BRA1898
5Teles Elder De Oliveira22722513BRA1847
6Alves Josue Pires2152002BRA1840
7Del Aguila Victor Montero22722491BRA1733
8Dos Passos Edinaldo Pincanco2184737BRA1687
9Melo Clodovio De Paula22721002BRA1551
10Quaresma Givanildo Ribeiro22750703BRA1547
11Gomes Jackson Ferreira22728260BRA1532
12Queiroz Da Costa Alan Patrick22729836BRA1492
13Carvalho Marcio Gomes2152096BRA0
14De Magalhaes Gustavo A Linhares22750681BRA0
15Duarte Heber da SilvaBRA0
16do Nascimento Gesse GomesBRA0