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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE GM XI-2018

Darrera actualització25.11.2018 14:48:03, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Montenegro Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

10GMPikula Dejan906379SRB2485
5GMDrasko Milan900397MNE2434
3IMKojima Shinya7000812JPN2432
4GMNikcevic Nebojsa901776MNE2429
8IMAkshat Khamparia5016541IND2399
7IMPlenkovic Zdenko14506947CRO2398
9FMSrinath Rao S.V.5028876IND2357
1FMAudi Ameya25034430IND2347
2Nikolic Nebojsa925853MNE2326
6Der Manuelian Haik2084015USA2271