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The Irish Women's Championship 2018

Darrera actualització11.11.2018 21:15:37, Creador/Darrera càrrega: IvanBaburin

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Rànquing inicial

1Miller Ioana1202260IRL2198
2Castle Aoife2512068IRL1612
3Putar Lara14546604CRO1479
4Manojlovic Anastasija2507625IRL1418
5Solomatina Jana11611383LAT1384
6Barry Suzanne2507323IRL1268
7Boran AprilIRL700
8Bueckert DianaIRL700
9Bueckert LucyIRL700
10Butler AineIRL700
11Butler NiamhIRL700
12Lynch AishlingIRL700
13Salem NoorIRL700