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IRT Memorial Enrique Benvenaste - 10 y 11 de noviembre - $9.000 en premios

Last update 24.11.2018 15:27:22, Creator/Last Upload: BrunoWerner

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Starting rank list

1MAGALLAN Gaston114359ARG2059
2AVENDANO Gaston130745ARG1907
3DE BATTISTA Federico163309ARG1875
4LEDESMA Israel133230ARG1872
5AIMRIVERO Ariel120936ARG1783
6HERNANDEZ Mario161322ARG1697
7VIERA Cristian163430ARG1638
8CANDARLE Daniel161284ARG1618
9AVILA Mauro166421ARG1613
10NARDI Hector131318ARG1561
11BROGGI Brian Leonel180025ARG1479
12PRESFRAIND Augusto166448ARG1441
13ROKO Tomas166456ARG1332
14SACK Marcos183997ARG1238
15AMARILLO Leonardo120090ARG0
16BENEDETTI Luciano176621ARG0
18CANDARLE MaximilianoARG0
19PERRONE FlorenciaARG0
20ROKO Juan PioARG0