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Atty. Christian NAtividad Agila ng Bulacan FIDE Rated Standard Round Robin Chess Championship

Last update 18.01.2019 04:59:27, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

2PEREZ Robert James5224322PHI1529
10CRUZ Jeremiah Luis5228751PHI1461
3OMANGAY Tiv5232350PHI1414
1CLARITO Karlycris Jr.5220467PHI1329
6CALACDAY James Henry5217075PHI1315
5AGUILAR Rojan Kristian5235057PHI0
8CALEON Marc Benedict5235537PHI0
4CRUZ Daniella Bianca5232139PHI0
7SANTIAGUEL Rafael5230349PHI0
9TOLENTINO Sean Aldryl5230365PHI0