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II IRT AJEPAR 2018 SUB 1800 Ajedrez Mbarete, Paraguai Katupyry

Last update 13.11.2018 15:34:57, Creator/Last Upload: Paraguayan Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1CMMelian Juan Sebastian3706575PAR1670Bobby Fischer
2Pereira Escobar Robert Alejandro3709728PAR1537Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
3Martinez Ramirez Anahi3703134PAR1510
4Vazquez Alejandro3707911PAR1475Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
5Morinigo Fernando Matias3705277PAR1408AJEPAR
6Villalba Galeano Juan Andres3705005PAR1377Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
7Oviedo Acosta Paula3704394PAR1348Elite
8Villalba Galeano Ana Jesus3704998PAR1230Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
9Torres Tandi Ronald Fabian3706265PAR1211Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
10Mereles Riquelme Mauricio3708322PAR1199Ferlonichess
11Pereira Edgar Ivan3705340PAR1198Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
12Guzman Hugo Jesus3706974PAR1125AJEPAR
13Zarate Pedro3703630PAR1121Hernandarias
14Leguizamon Sanchez Jhonatan Dav3706133PAR1081Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
15Aguayo Antunez Elias Simeon3709957PAR0AJEPAR
16Aguayo Antunez Juan Sebastian3709965PAR0AJEPAR
17Aguero Mendez Leonardo Magin3709973PAR0AJEPAR
18Alvarenga Lang Juan Esteban3709981PAR0AJEPAR
19Aristides Paiva Lucas Agustin3707946PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
20Arrua Patino Marcos Andres3709990PAR0Tacuru Pucu
21Belotto Jhonas3710009PAR0Tacuru Pucu
22Benitez Aguero Anabel Lujan3706044PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
23Cabrera Diaz Amanda Lucia3710017PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
24Cardozo Garay Alex Jose3708594PAR0AJEPAR
25Chavez Espinola Luis Enrique3708608PAR0AJEPAR
26Da Silva Lopez Bruno Gabriel3709701PAR0AJEPAR
27Davalos Guisselle Maite3710025PAR0Tacuru Pucu
28De Los Santos Benitez Fabricio3708527PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
29Duarte Aveiro Elias Samuel3708772PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
30Escobar Lucas Manuel3710033PAR0Club de Ajedrez Area 1
31Fernandez Villamayor Mathias David3710041PAR0AJEPAR
32Fernandez Villamayor Thiago Ruben3710050PAR0AJEPAR
33Genevro Davi Gustavo3710068BRA0AJEPAR
34Genevro Lucas Gunther3710076BRA0AJEPAR
35Gimenez Gonzalez Agatha Aracely3710084PAR0AJEPAR
36Gimenez Gonzalez Axel Ariel3710092PAR0AJEPAR
37Insaurralde Aldana Ariel3706982PAR0AJEPAR
38Martinez Martinez Blas Eduardo3708012PAR0AJEPAR
39Mendez Ranoni Mayla Yeruti3710106PAR0AJEPAR
40Motte Riveros Alejandro Rafael3710114PAR0AJEPAR
41Motte Riveros Jorge Leon3710122PAR0AJEPAR
42Nunez Urbieta Gonzalez Ricardo Alexis3710130PAR0AJEPAR
43Ocampo Victor Emanuel3710149PAR0AJEPAR
44Pereira Vazquez Camila3705994PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
45Roa Bruderer Aaron Sebastian3705307PAR0Chess U.S.A. Paraguay
46Romero Avalos Monica3708373PAR0AJEPAR
47Zarate Backes Ruben3710157PAR0AJEPAR