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Campeonato Argentino Senior S-50 y S-65

Last update 24.10.2018 06:05:28, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

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Starting rank list

1GMSorin Ariel100196ARG2387
2IMTempone Marcelo100269ARG2387
3FMMussanti Diego104680ARG2325
4IMLlanos Guillermo100358ARG2288
5IMLeskovar Mario100617ARG2249
6FMIbar Marcelo102628ARG2182
7Godoy Carlos101850ARG2128
8Olivera Horacio101621ARG2091
9Ibanez Fernando103845ARG2055
10Cella Enrique108570ARG2053
11Lopez Ricardo101940ARG2002
12FMBulcourf Carlos102130ARG1982
13Aberbach Angel107166ARG1981
14Galarce Ruben112690ARG1960
15Gras Carlos108219ARG1925
16Pierucci Fabian110248ARG1881
17Moreno Dario167002ARG1842
18Chan Daniel142050ARG1811
19Millain Daniel140767ARG0