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World Youth Chess Championships 2018 - Rapid G18

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.10.2018 19:41:04, Creator/Last Upload: mprevenios

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Wynik końcowy po 9 rundach

M-sceSNrNazwiskoFedRgPkt TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 Rp
11WIMShuvalova PolinaRUS23427,5044,548,5472279
210WFMSliwicka AlicjaPOL19827143,546,5452172
33WGMObolentseva AlexandraRUS2140704649,5572239
42WFMAfonasieva AnnaRUS21556141,544,5462053
512Du YuxinCHN19626042,543452044
67WFMRadeva ViktoriaBUL20245,5043,546,5452013
74WIMDimitrova AleksandraRUS2078504549542053
817WCMDong Khanh LinhVIE18325043,547431977
919Nguyen Hong NgocVIE17685041,545542027
1018Muratova SaltanatKAZ18305033,534441860
1111WFMLimanovska ElizabeteLAT1977502828,5441816
1216FMCvitan EnaCRO18894,504343,5541988
136WFMAntolak JuliaPOL20584,5038,541,5441928
1413WIMMartynkova OlenaUKR1956403942,5441889
1520WFMNguyen Thi Minh ThuVIE1694403537,5531863
1614WFMEgyed JuditHUN19224034,535431792
179WFMHrescak IvanaSLO19904033,534531776
1822Salimova AsalUZB16564032,535421768
1921Kieu Bich ThuyVIE1656403030,5431746
2023Tonso LiinaEST16423,503942421801
2115WFMRozman MonikaSLO19063,503638,5531842
228Li YilinCAN19933029,530421588
2324Ramirez Toledo Ayleen MaribelMEX1551103436,5401102
245FMAvramidou AnastasiaGRE2061002627000

TB 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
TB 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
TB 4: Most black
TB 5: Greater number of victories/games variable